Olny Srmat Poelpe Can

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Olny srmat poelpe can May 09, 2006
Olny srmat poelpe can.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit

The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

If you can raed tihs psas it on !!

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May 09, 2006
J, thats been around for donkey's years :lol:
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:J, thats been around for donkey's years :lol:

I am glad
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May 09, 2006
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May 09, 2006
IMJ wrote:I am glad

So are those who are fully literate in one language - 'sms'
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May 09, 2006
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:
IMJ wrote:I am glad

So are those who are fully literate in one language - 'sms'

have no idea where this is coming from, but i did not know i had to write u a composition, my dear
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May 09, 2006
What are you being defensive about? I'm not talking about u :lol:
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May 09, 2006
I just relised the topic is also no in order!!!
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:What are you being defensive about? I'm not talking about u :lol:

quoting that line gives a different meaning to what u meant to say, and i am at work, trying not to show these guys i am online doing things not relevant to work, so, read things quickly and close, sometimes might not get the actual meaning due to some inconveniences at work, lmao.
Last week, coz i talked seriously to this one IT guy about him yelling at me while asking something, he came and turned off my internet (could not take the fact that a girl can shut him up, lol), except for the work related programs, lol, and left my office without even letting me know i did not have internet, so, i gotta be careful of these Indian guys i work with, i heard they are backstabbers.
Lol, my manager chose me a desk that sits right in frond of his cabin and he can see EVERYTHING i am doing on the comp.
So, now i need only a camera: will be fully set.
sry, for misunderstanding :oops:
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May 09, 2006
FeiPo wrote:I just relised the topic is also no in order!!!

did not get u? lol
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May 09, 2006
Well, I couldn't quote Lib's shady look, now that would have made no sense at all.

J, maybe your boss is hinting something - do your work! ;)
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May 09, 2006
IMJ wrote:did not get u? lol

She just demonstrated applied knowledge - din realize the topic was also jumbled like your post.
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:Well, I couldn't quote Lib's shady look, now that would have made no sense at all.

J, maybe your boss is hinting something - do your work! ;)

lmao, i am DOING my work, still have time to go online, sometimes, just want to relax and chat, he, manager, sometimes asks: -"who pays u? Yahoo?'' lmao
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May 09, 2006
actually, he, mngr, just came up to my desk, at first i freaked out, thinking he would tell me not to be online, and bluh bluh bluh thing, but he told me he is going to write a report to out MD how well i performed and picked on my new job.
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May 09, 2006
J, can, u, use, anymore, commas, ? :lol: , :lol: , :lol:
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:
IMJ wrote:did not get u? lol

She just demonstrated applied knowledge - din realize the topic was also jumbled like your post.

do not see how it is jumbled.
May be i just did not get enough sleep last night, i feel like i am on drugs today.
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:J, can, u, use, anymore, commas, ? :lol: , :lol: , :lol:

there is one comma that was extra, but the rest are on their places :P
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May 09, 2006
IMJ wrote:do not see how it is jumbled.
May be i just did not get enough sleep last night, i feel like i am on drugs today.

Olny srmat poelpe can

Looks pretty jumbled to me :lol:
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May 09, 2006
I've come across messages like this before but I have to admit this is the hardest one to understand. I think the key is certain letters whether they are vowels or constanents have to be in the right place within the word, everything else can be out of place, but these key letters are what enables the brain to make sense of the word.
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May 09, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:
IMJ wrote:do not see how it is jumbled.
May be i just did not get enough sleep last night, i feel like i am on drugs today.

Olny srmat poelpe can

Looks pretty jumbled to me :lol:

i know, the letters r messed up, but not the topic itself, i thought FP meant that the topic also is not in a proper order
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May 09, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I've come across messages like this before but I have to admit this is the hardest one to understand. I think the key is certain letters whether they are vowels or constanents have to be in the right place within the word, everything else can be out of place, but these key letters are what enables the brain to make sense of the word.

for me this was actually easy
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May 09, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I've come across messages like this before but I have to admit this is the hardest one to understand. I think the key is certain letters whether they are vowels or constanents have to be in the right place within the word, everything else can be out of place, but these key letters are what enables the brain to make sense of the word.

the key is to get the fsirt and the lsat leettr rghit!
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May 09, 2006
IMJ wrote:
XRW-147 wrote:
IMJ wrote:do not see how it is jumbled.
May be i just did not get enough sleep last night, i feel like i am on drugs today.

Olny srmat poelpe can

Looks pretty jumbled to me :lol:

i know, the letters r messed up, but not the topic itself, i thought FP meant that the topic also is not in a proper order

yes that's what i mean IMJ
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May 09, 2006
FeiPo wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:I've come across messages like this before but I have to admit this is the hardest one to understand. I think the key is certain letters whether they are vowels or constanents have to be in the right place within the word, everything else can be out of place, but these key letters are what enables the brain to make sense of the word.

the key is to get the fsirt and the lsat leettr rghit!

good job.
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