Shoppers Needed In UAE For Quality Control

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Shoppers needed in UAE for quality control Dec 03, 2004

Maybe you can help us...

We, Bare Associates International ( ), are an international quality consumer research company with offices in the US and in Belgium, and we are working on a new international project. For this project we need people in UAE (Dubai and other cities) who are willing to do an assignment for us as a mystery shopper.

What is Mystery Shopping? Mystery Shoppers are people who visit various shops (clothing, restaurants, hotels and etc.) acting as potential customers. The only difference between a real customer and a Mystery Shopper is that a Mystery Shopper gets an opportunity to comment the service he/she has received and in this way to improve the customer service. Also mystery Shoppers are paid for shopping!

This assignment is an evaluation for an international IT-company. The shop fee is 20 euros. The shopper will have to visit a multimediastore and report afterwards online in English. The assignments need to be completed in December.

Please contact me as soon as possible if you're interested, if you know someone who might be interested (friends, family, colleagues, students, expats) in doing an assignment for our company, or if you'd like to receive additional information.

You can contact me by writing an email to .

Thank you!

Kind regards,

Ellen Schruns

Assistant Project Manager

TEL (+32) 3 242 8730
FAX (+32) 3 242 8738
Visit us at for an eye opening vision into maximum efficiency measurement.

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salary Feb 28, 2006
What sort of salary is involved

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Mar 01, 2006
For mystery shopping you normally don't get paid, but are given a limit on what you can spend in a shop which is reimbursed to you.

Some companies, pay, but hey if you get to eat, drink whatever for free who cares. It's great fun!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 01, 2006
I know an Aussie guy who runs a Mystery Shopping op, in Dubai/Middle east, looks after some of the Dubai Government Award stuff and a few big international franchise ops. He pays 200dhs a mystery shop and has absolute nightmares getting and dealing with the Affluent Arab style mystery shoppers that all his clients desire. He's does great business but he's 24/7 calling and checking if his shoppers turn up. I even think he has to employee Asian's to sit near the outlet's spying to see if they show.
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Mar 06, 2006
do you have a dubai contact number or representative for shoppers to sign up?
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mystery shopping in Dubai Mar 07, 2006
Hi Barastisundowner

I'd like the contact details of this Australian guy if you wouldn't mind. I have been doing mystery shopping for the past two years and am looking for more opportunities in Dubai as there are very limited options here.

Thanks alot!
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