Parfume Agression

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Parfume agression Apr 25, 2024
Good Morning :)

Walking through a mall makes me stressed to the level of screaming. But I do not scream, I suffer!!

Ten of desperate, needy males or females will offer perfumes to me just in one walk through a mall. I nicely refuse first few, then I start to panic. I try to avoid them but they come in front of me so I can't unseen them. And when I have to refuse I see disappointment in their eyes and all over their faces.
I feel guilty then, I made those needy beggars like fools by not even wanting to take those smelly papers. Honestly why perfumes have to smell like old rotten wood or even as a sh*t. Sorry to tradition :roll:

What would tourist in UAE think how desperate people are here to earn money? They are passive aggressive in their offers. The only way to avoid them is to lower your gaze non stop. But then that is not the way we shall walk through the mall. We need to see where is what, where we can buy things we really need at that point.

My suggestion is to make perfume sale in UAE exotic experience by bringing big pots of different NICE perfumes and let people mix for themselves from those pots into small bottles. So then everyone will have their unique perfume, mixed of their preferred fragrances and they will want to come back.

My son made me such perfume in Kidzania and I wanted it again, and we went again just to make same mix of fragrance like that, but he could not do it again the same. He forgot the measures he took from each. Such a unique way to enjoy perfumes and want more of them!

I guess that there would be a line of people in every mall waiting to create their own unique perfume. That would be experience. That would be exotic memory from Dubai and UAE, and that would not be passive aggressive offers of desperate salespersons across UAE.

Hopefully somebody from Perfume Industry will read this and change the way of perfume sales.

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 263

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Re: Parfume Agression Oct 08, 2024
Good Morning nice to red this post regarding Perfume Aggression.
UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1
Location: Dubai AE

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Re: Parfume Agression 43 days ago
samm , Glad that somebody agrees :)

I noticed that it is better situation now. Alhamdulillah.
Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 263

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