An Open Letter To The Haters With Clean Hearts!

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An Open Letter to the haters with clean hearts! Nov 13, 2023
My dearest haters,

In the past month you got your fuel for the hate as never before.
Sometimes I ask myself do you hate more your enemies or your brothers and sisters. And I do not know the answer.

You hate us because we live in rich Arab countries and we do not do anything to help Palestinians to stop their suffering!?
Obviously because we have sick hearts and disease called WAHN!

I am expecting from you, my dear brothers and sisters with clean hearts, to show us WHAT and HOW by your own examples! As being sick we can't see it clearly as you with clean hearts.

So here is my suggestion; 1st group of non-Arab Muslims with clean hearts, go to Palestine and help people there, free them and protect them, then 2nd group of poor-Arabs please go to Palestine and show us how to help and protect people there.

That way maybe we can learn from you and suddenly cure our hearth sickness and come to your help and support.
But you can't expect from sick-hearted people to be first! Always strong and healthy leads, isn't it?

You see we have this love for dun'ya, and we want to achieve as much as possible in it, and to lead by an example. Rich Arabs have big ambitious, and I stand with them even if I am as poor as you my brothers and sisters, but I have same ambitions as them, to achieve as much as possible on this world and to do as much as possible good deeds. That is our passion. You see we are very passionate for this world. We do not want just to become cannon fodders in some wars, we want to be khalifas on the Earth.
Our sick hearts prevent us from having the same passion for akhirah at the moment.

But you! You shall have that passion for akhirah, as you do not have any for this dun'ya! Do you have any?
Do you pray all sunnah and read all supplications and do all good deeds that you can, so that Allah grant you all prayers to be accepted, all du3as to be fulfilled and all deeds to be guided by Allah Himself?

Did you reach that status with your passion yet? If you did not, then you have no passion for anything (but hate) at all!

At least we have passion for this world. Rich Arabs and we poor ambitious creatures, who are living amongst them, we want to make something out of our world. To create a better future for us and our kids and for all.
Imagine if Allah cures our hearths; overnight we will use our passion to help our fellow brothers and sisters who are suffering. And we will help them with the same passion, as we do everything else. And with empathy as we have it. With all compassion and power we have.

But you? What will you do with your clean hearths for dun'ya or for akhirah?
Will you achieve anything or you will continue to blame rich Arabs for everything what is happening in the world?

How comes that all countries have their own leaders and no people of other countries ever listen to the rich Arab leaders, and nobody follows them in anything, and nobody follow their orders and laws. But then suddenly when somebody's else leaders decide to start a fight, you- with your clean hearts- turn to rich Arab leaders and want them to fix things for people who suffer from decisions of their own leaders??

How comes that Hamas attacks and their leaders leave Palestine and enjoy luxury 5 star hotels in Qatar/Iran/Turkia??
Didn't Prophet s.w.s. fight himself in battles? Are Hamas leaders more important than Prophet s.w.s. himself?

How can they leave civilians to fight and they go out? And how do they go out when there is no way for people of Gaza to go out? And if there is a way to go out trough tunnels why then they do not use that ways to bring medical supplies for their people?

It is understandable for my sick hearth that you want us to help innocent people and that you want our leaders to help leaders of Hamas or whomever. But it is not understandable for me why those leaders do not collaborate and ask others for advice before they decide to start a fight?

Or they do not have to ask anyone anything and they can do whatever they are pleased and what they alone think is right. Then why await from others their unconditional support if so?

I would never send my own child to fight in some Army whose leaders are in safety and ordering from there.
Nor I would ever support such leaders in any ways. How do I know if they do not work directly for enemies and let their own people die, just so they can fulfil their agenda, whatever it is.

Allah gave me kids as an amanah, and not as a tool to gain anything on this world or hereafter. I cannot sell the life of my own children to Allah on His path. As Allah did not authorise me for their lives.
Allah only authorise myself to sell my own life to Allah. I can decide for myself only, do I want to fight and to sacrifice and to die on Allah's path. I can't sacrifice my children for myself, my wealth, my country, my politics, my survival etc. Allah did not order any man, except Ibrahim a.s. to sacrifice his child. And did not allow it even then, but sent a ram to be sacrificed instead.

So I am waiting you to lead by an example! Poor Arabs and non-Arab Muslim with clean hearts, show us how to sacrifice, fight and die for our brothers and sisters who are paying the price of devilness of others!


And btw. I am a non-Arab poor Muslimah. I think of myself as UNION of all of you together. And in me, everyone of you can find a part of yourself. And maybe one day my sick heart will turn healthy and clean inshallah and then I will help my brothers and sisters who are suffering, but until then I will not hate any part of myself. Any part that I am now, or that I have ambition to become.

You all are a part of my body, and I do not allow one part to hate another, while all have the same enemy.
Show me what clean hearts can do, and inshallah I will show you what passion and empathy can do once the heart is cured.
Just stop spending your energy on hating.

In the past, as a child, I paid the price of decisions of my leaders (that I did not choose or elected). I survived the war, bombings, concentration camp as a hostage for 4 months, I was refugee and I never returned to my destroyed and burned home. I go mentally and emotionally through the pain and sufferings of people in Palestine and sometimes I can't bear it.
Today I support everyone who do not want to go that way but want to find other ways. I believe that we are destined for more on dun'ya and akhirah. And I want both.

And you?

P.S. Please do not pretend to know Gayb!

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