I wonder who reads this posts
Well, I have a good news alhamdulillah. My daughter got a job. Real job in her branch. Isn’t that wonderful. Alhamdulillah.
And now only my son has to find a job inshaallah and we are all fine. \
It seems that doesn’t matter who was a better student and had better results and marks. Sometimes is more about personality and specific characteristics. Khair inshaallah.
At least I hope my son can get a golden visa soon. Then maybe it will be easier for him to find a job.
Or not! But it is so good feeling when they are out of home, then I can study in peace.
Can’t wait for my son to go to work soon. God willing.
We were sick for two weeks. It started with sandstorm. As I am allergic to dust I started to cough first. Then my kids followed me. As it was holidays we just stayed home and drank teas. But then when we felt better we went to do PCR test and it was positive. I don’t know was that only lungs infection from sandstorm or real corona. But when we got to know it was already worst gone. Good thing that we didn’t go out when we coughed.
I can tell you that life with so many allergies is not easy at all. Actually it can change lives completely. Take me as an example. When I was born I cried and cried and nobody knew why. Mother left me when I was two months old. Father took care of me for some months and then my grandparents took me for good. But I was always crying my family told me. Nobody knew what it was making me cry. They just thought it was my nature and so nobody liked me for it.
Decades later I discovered that I am allergic on wool. When I touched woolen item red skin rash appeared in second. At that moment I understood my early childhood, as in all my baby pictures I was wearing woolen baby suits. My family was specifically buying that for me as I was allergic to the cold.
So they thought that woolen clothes will take my allergy away. But it didn’t. It added just another dimension of suffer into my small life.
And so I grow up very much disliked by everyone for my “screaming nature”.
But what came good out of it was my voice later on. I was soloist in the school choir for many years

And also it helped me to love the desert heat because my grandparents kept my room always around 40 degrees in the winter so that I don’t get cold allergy rashes
And also my grandfather was a heavy smoker for years and I was allergic to the cigar smoke and had sam cough for years as I have it during sand storms.
Now I don’t know if last month it was all corona or SARS or just my regular allergy. All I know that life is hard on this harsh Earth and that I am not comfortable with it and that I hope for less pollution and less chemicals, cold, wool, dust etc., in my life. Allergies make me nervous and people probably think that is my nature too
Nobody will understand other unless in his/her own skin. Or shoes.
If you read all above and you are still here then please pray for my son to get a job. And take care of yourself and enjoy life as much as you are able to. And understand other people