Dividing Ummah

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Dividing ummah Apr 04, 2021
There is one nation in this world that is expert in dividing the entire Ummah.
On regular basis they do stupidities from one extreme to another.
They have two sides; and if normal person finds something stupid about one side, they accuse person of being fan of another side.
But they are all the same, one nation, one people and both groups benefit every time there is somebody supporting them or against them. They always benefit.
So they live and feed their families, because they find supporters and haters and they make sure to warm up each group equally on regular basis.
Simply you can't forget that nation, as they will on regular intervals put one of their extreme sides into world's attention spot.
Each time they need more money they will let one group make problems or another group make stupidities. And they will spread the word, counting each and every person in the world and pushing them to opposed side as per their desires.
But just to let the world know; for me personally, they are all the same sh*t.

And no shaytan and its followers will divide this Ummah inshaallah. Even if they call themselves this or that. All are the same in their goals and aims. But they will never succeed bi iznillah.

Ummah is one nation and ummah does not prefer groups, but good sides of each person in this world. Goodness will prevail inshaallah. No greediness can beat the goodness.

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