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<3 THANK YOU UAE <3 Mar 19, 2020
I can't sleep before saying thank you to UAE.

UAE authorities made me so happy and proud and thankful and hopeful today.
Especially The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation and everyone else.

I feel so blessed to live in UAE, to be a part of its society as a resident and to call it my home.
My only home on Earth <3

Really many times I complain for things just because I want everything to be perfect in this perfect country, and when people don't act perfectly (according to the law) it makes me angry and I often complain, but I do that because I care and want to live that life that this country is offering at all times.

Oh God, what happiness UAE brought today to parents of students and to their friends (me).
May Allah s.w.t. bring so much happiness to UAE and children of UAE and parents of UAE and everyone in UAE and make all safe and secure forever, amin.
May Rabbuna Al A3alaa reward people of UAE for humanity, empathy, altruism and everything good.
May Al Hayy Al Qayyum make UAE leader on dunya and akhirah and example of all good and prosperous, proud and happy/satisfied.
May Al Wahid Al Qahhaar bless this country and its leaders, people and even visitors. Amin

What a blessing to live in UAE - alhamdulillah <3
Any hard time is not that hard here, any problem is not that big and any hope is possible.
And thanks you to KDHA for #InThisTogetherDubai initiative https://inthistogetherdubai.khda.gov.ae/indexAr.html

And simply thank you everyone for everything <3 <3 <3


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