I Am A Criminal - Now Help Me!

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I am a criminal - now help me! Nov 10, 2019
Why to post here? Because it is politics!

It is the law that forbid me to ask ONLINE for help, ANYONE, anywhere... whatever.

But then I asked government and ministries (because they made the law) for help. They don't help except CITIZENS - they said. OK.

Then I was thinking if I ask police for help maybe they will help, as they know that I can't ask others for help because of the law. As respecting law I might get their sympathy and get a help.
None. because that's not their field.

Ok, then I asked foundations, organizations, islamic affairs and God knows who else from institutions and powerful individuals. And nobody helped. Why?
Because I am not an Arab, non-local, non-whatever....

BUT I NEED HELP. I will ask it now here even if i go to jail. Hallo people I need help! ANYONE on The Earth?????

I really don't care anymore. I am losing my night sleep out of worries.
And I do that because I put my children to University. I asked my father, he sent help, but not enough. To much for him as well. I borrowed some and now I am paying back monthly little by little. Time came to borrow for next payment and I don't have anyone to borrow from. Actually I found one person that demands 2 weeks FULL payment back. I am paying back one payment for 5-6 months....that's how able I am to pay.

My two kids started University at the same time. Their father is dead. My second husband and I are separated for 10 years already. I live as single mother 10 years and before second marriage 4 years.

So shall I take two orphan kids out of University because I can't afford it and nobody wants help?
I know many people would LOVE to help, but I can't reach to them because of law that allows me only to ask those who don't give a damn shit about us. THANK YOU!

My kids are not delinquents nor stealing or taking drugs or drinking, smoking...but studying hard and playing sports, achieving on national levels...exemplary in behaviors and academic achievements as well as non curricular activities.

I think that criminals have more chance for help in this world then hardworking people.

Ok, I am now a criminal. Broke a law by asking online for help. Now help me somebody, as I am stumbled criminal. And if that is not enough I can say F.... word to add to the file.

That's how is the world with law made by people. If we follow God's law there would no be single mother of orphans struggling with debts and University payments for her children.

Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 266

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Re: I Am A Criminal - Now Help Me! Nov 17, 2019
Well, this is amazing news: https://www.khaleejtimes.com/news/gover ... w-can-help

I just hope that my two kids find jobs too so with 3 little salaries we could survive with debt payments and University payments inshaallah. At least it will be much easier to go through 3 years of Engineering studies for them and debts for me. Alhamdulillah

Thanks Authorities <3
Dubai forums Addict
Posts: 266

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