Doctors From Tuzla (Bosnia) Are Beating Cancer In 20 Min.!

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Doctors from Tuzla (Bosnia) are beating cancer in 20 min.! Nov 08, 2019
Believe it or not, it is the truth!

The news of the week comes from Bosnia and Herzegovina, specifically from Tuzla, and the
credit goes to a handful of genuine experts from the University Clinical Center in Tuzla, who
have for the first time a few days ago, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, introduced and implemented
a new treatment method of liver tumors, without the need to carry out surgery.


It is a so-called ethanol ablation of a liver tumor, in which a certain amount of absolute alcohol
is injected directly into the tumor, under the control of ultrasound. After this type of treatment,
the tumor cells die, and a small portion of healthy tissue surrounding the tumor. With this
procedure, the tumor is completely destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.
This procedure only takes about twenty minutes, and the patient can go home the very next

In addition, the good thing about this procedure is that it can be repeated until the tumor
is completely removed, as confirmed by the University Clinical Center Tuzla.
Professor Nermin Salkić emphasized that this is a type of treatment that can be applied only to
a specific group of patients, and the result is a complete cure for a serious illness.


In the end, the team of experts who successfully performed the procedure are academician
Prof. (Enver Zerem), Ph.D. Prof. (Nermin Salkić), Ph.D. and B.Sc. nurse Bahrija Haračić and nurse
Firdeusa Isaković from the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Clinic for Internal
Medicine, while from the Clinic for Anesthesiology and Reanimatology participated Dr. Halid
Mahmutović, Dr. Dženita Mešić Ahmetasević, and medical technician Adis Kavgić, all employees of University Clinical Center Tuzla.

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