New & Used Pianos with Warranty.
Jul 31, 2018
New & Used Pianos with Warranty.
Fresh stock of new and used pianos available in store.
A wide range of Brands, 80+ Digital & Acoustic pianos to choose from.
Easy payment options available.
Price starts as low as 1200 aed for Digitals & 8000 aed for the acoustics.
Any Queries,
We are just a message away.
- Attachments

- Glass Piano
- 38085358_917589508443112_3682235974378586112_n.jpg (76.19 KiB) Viewed 1449 times

- Royal Piano
- 38016040_917589441776452_3070920488726298624_n.jpg (76.77 KiB) Viewed 1449 times

- Ferrari Piano
- 37896600_917589611776435_2517072120761024512_n.jpg (61.86 KiB) Viewed 1449 times
- symphony
- Dubai Forum Guest
- Posts: 2
- Location: Dubai AE