Genetic Engineering - Should We Explore Its Limits?

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genetic engineering - should we explore its limits? Apr 26, 2006
how can we understand its vast potential if we supress the channels that lead to further discovery?

Dubai Forums Member
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Apr 26, 2006
I personally think there should be limits - for example I would not agree with the creation of foetuses that would be used to provide organs.

I am also very skeptical about messing about with nature - look what happened when herbivourous cattle were given food derived from animals.. we got BSE!

I am in favour of selective breeding and genetic manipulation - eg new strains of crops such as rice and wheat.. but introducing foreign genes (eg frog genes into tomatos) causes me to ponder whether this is necessary.

Perhaps you can expand on what you mean by 'vast potential' ?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 26, 2006
hhmmmm - ponders - hmmmm - ponders some more.

The possibilites are pretty much endless and if it can be used for good purposes like as Shaf says, creating crops which last longer are disease resistant then I think it's a good thing.

With regard to genetic engineering in humans and other species if it can help to cure genetic disorders then I think yes. Of course there's been much controversy over stem cell research and parents creating babies with a certain genetic make-up to cure another sibling, but I think before you criticise people for doing that you'd have to put yourself in their situation as a parent who would do anything to save a childs life.

With regard to growing foetuses for organ transplantation, I don't like this, but scientists are getting to the stage where they can manipulate DNA and tissue to just grow the necessary organs - all seems really science fiction but it's happening.

Desinger babies just for the sake of it I disagree with as I disagree with gender selection, you get what you're given and that's that!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 27, 2006
I'm pretty much against all genetic engineering, except for the kind that can treat disorders in humans who are already alive. For example, finding ways to destroy cancer lumps, re-growing myelin sheaths on the nerves in the case of MS, re-growing spinal tissues so that a person can recover from paralysis etc. I'm against all designer baby research, and all genetically modified food research and production.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 27, 2006
just wishful thinking on my part...but if it prolonged my life for another couple of 100 years...i would be really one lifetime is not enough to see this beautiful place we call the different cultures/customs/places...i could go on and on!!...but perhaps in a 100 years there won't be no earth :( ...who knows...
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: genetic engineering - should we explore its limits? May 07, 2006
No genetic engeeneering, Nature did a great job, perfect, why mess with it. Argh.. I hate genetically modified foods too!! :( :(
Dubai Forums Member
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May 07, 2006
Genetic engineering is of utmost importance. Insulin, antibiotics and loads more. I really dont know where doctors would be without them.

*sigh time and again i say it and i shall repeat it yet again - 'genetically engineered babies' are far far away. They aren't coming in the next 100 years so just breathe.

Science loves to boast around, you know why? Because there is no major breakthrough in this vast world of science since the last decade or so. Infact whatever is there is going down the drain aswell; antibiotic resistance for example. Aah well...
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