Dubai Is Driving Me It Just Me?

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dubai is driving me it just me? Apr 24, 2006
:shock: hello all...glad to have found such a site to vent my fustrations!!!
let me now vent!
1.I have been over here for 3-4 years making a great living and saving my cash to further myself somewhere else...
What is with these drivers here!!! never in my travels have i seen such unsafe,stupid drivers !!! i have been all over the world in my craft and i fear for my life out on these roads!! weather im in taxi or driving myself...
do they give licences out of candy machines here!!??? I think i need to buy a landcruser and get that special card that alows me the right to put everyone else around me in grave danger!
2.I cannot belive the lack of compassion for the workers out here by local government.. these men and women work so bloddy hard more than most of us ever would and are still coralled up in slave camps...yes that is what they look like...i know i have been to see them...just insane...
3.How can the local government allow the rent to become so high that it is practically impossible even on my very good wage to even live comfotably...65% of my earnings go to living expenses...please do not get me wrong..i am still saving ok...just again a vent...
please give me your insite...let me know im not alone...

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Apr 24, 2006
Hmmmmmmmm...give Dubai a break-it has come a very long way in a short time. Live somewhere else and you'll see that this place has come a very long way in forty or so years. There is at least one so called first world country that I know of that sticks its labourers in containers, yes, shipping containers for accomodation and allows these people to be transported to work in tray top trucks-I don't see that here. They also pay these workers a pittance yet the cost of living in this particular country is higher than here! The rent here is also much lower than we paid in this particular country. Ok, so there are places worse and ok it is no excuse for low wages and poor conditions but people are not forced to work here and I guess that is the bottom line.

As for the traffic well it is just the worst thing imaginable-it is like playing dodge ball and you are the target. In the last two months I have seen three cars on their roofs :shock: It is just mind boggling what you see people do-wheelies on a motorbike down SZR was astounding, quad bike on Al Wasl then quad bike on SZR...........after a while you don't even get shocked anymore...bit of a worry. :shock:
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Apr 24, 2006
GAB, Sad to say that until only a few years ago the workers in Dubai were carted around in cattle trucks, it took the King of Jordan to comment to one of the rulers how inhumane it was for them to be given buses.

I think the fact that Dubai is growing too fast is it's problem, basic infrastructure does not have a chance to catch up.

Driving licences? You win them in bags of Cheetos - don't you?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 24, 2006
i thank you both....
its just i havent been anywhere with more potential than dubai...but in the same breath i cannot understand why in such a great city..has such massive issues... i have been to staff accomadations for service industry and they do not even have showers!!! this was just few months ago...just a garbage can full of water they douse themselves in... it was wires 6 people to a flat... i was sooo sad for them...and they were not happy about is as you would think...they come over from Romania..or philipeans etc with hopes of having a great job and make good money then are shown the reality of it all... just upsets me....
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Apr 24, 2006
I hear what you're saying and I do sympathise. But on the flipside, these guys come here and work, whereas in their own countries they wouldn't work at all, simply because there isn't any work, so really it's a choice of two evils. But the construction companies know this and they lure them here with false promises and then these guys find themselves trapped - very sad.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 24, 2006
Here is a suggestion,

Drive with your headlights on no matter how sunny it is (not the high beams). This serves as safety as drivers ahead of you will see you and think twice (hopefully) about cutting you off. Pedestrians will see you as well. I have been driving with the headlights on for many years elsewhere and for the past 3 months in Dubai. In fact all new Volvo automobiles come now equipped with "full time" headlights. There is no problem of "draining the battery" as I thougth, the worse it could happen is that you may need to replace a 10 Dirham light bulb sooner (I never really had a problem).

So forum members do your part and drive with the healights one. Let's start some "safety" "campaing".

Be safe,
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Apr 24, 2006
Won't make much difference to be honest. Plus where I come from you only drive with your headlights on in the daytime if you're travelling in convoy.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 24, 2006
Evesdaddy wrote:i thank you both....
its just i havent been anywhere with more potential than dubai...but in the same breath i cannot understand why in such a great city..has such massive issues... i have been to staff accomadations for service industry and they do not even have showers!!! this was just few months ago...just a garbage can full of water they douse themselves in... it was wires 6 people to a flat... i was sooo sad for them...and they were not happy about is as you would think...they come over from Romania..or philipeans etc with hopes of having a great job and make good money then are shown the reality of it all... just upsets me....

6 people to a room, that's luxurious!!! I met one Australian guy at the pub once when I first came to Dubai, he was carrying a book bag, we got to talking, he said, do you know why I carry this book bag, because I share a 2 room (1 bedroom) apartment with 20 people, he said “I carry this F’n bag because I have no place to put it” I’ll always remember that man. I’ve been fortunate in Dubai I have quite a large place to myself and have opened my doors to many including a few forum members because I remembered this one guy and his “rude awakening” coming to DXB. Also to thank those that opened their hearts and doors to me.

There are many people here that are taken advantage of, recruitment companies charge 1 years salary to get guys here which is money they borrow. Why do they come, because they’ve watched there sisters become prostitutes to feed their families, they watched there neighbors die, they dream for a better life. It is disgusting and proof that greed is the root of evil.

Some of these people abscond, some commit suicide, some turn to drugs and theft.

Why do people no longer get carted around in cattle trucks, nothing to do with safety, no it is because it looked bad for the tourists to see (how pathetic is that). Sadly though is Dubai unique in this? No although it happened many years before all great cities were built on the backs of slaves, people just never learn.

Progress and the façade of beauty at what price?
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Apr 24, 2006
Spoken like a gentleman and with total conviction

Good on you Fayz
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Cant stand these drivers Apr 25, 2006
I agree with the poster. I just returned yesterday from a nice vacation from the far east and fast came back to reality in Dubai :evil:

I am so fed up with these bloody retarded drivers in their 100% tinted cars - you all know who they are! Was heading home from a friends place and was on a two lane road. All of a sudden I look behind and there is this Lexus, tinted out with just the parking lights on tailing me. I mean there was like a few inches between us. There was other traffic (oblivious to the retard behind me) and I couldnt move out of the way. So he came closer behind me! I got ticked and pressed the brake lightly to get him to back off. Then I moved out of the way and he came up right next to me and put his window down half away so that I would see the top of his head and started mumbling something in Arabic.

I was so mad I wanted to give him the finger but my better half was with me so I just looked at him (mistake to do with these animals) and asked him if he was crazy? Then he tried to get me to pull over but I just kept on driving (thought part of me really wanted to just get out and smash this guys head into his lexus - and I'm normally a calm guy!). But since my wife was there I just drove on, but not before he raced beside me and tried to cut me off, swereved up ahead and then raced off.

I mean, what is wrong with these people? Are they that uneducated even with all the wealth this place has? Maybe they should be educated on how to drive at the very least rather than act like complete animals?? I'm not saying all locals are like that, but my god, they are really starting to get on my nerves, so much that I am finally looking to diversify business elsewhere and eventually just leave this place full of pathetic and dangerous "drivers". And going away on vacation now is just opening my eyes each time that there is so much more to life than just Dubai - both for fun and business.

Sorry about the rant, I was just so annoyed today and really wanted to teach those locals a lesson. But I guess I would be an idiot to do that since the law wouldnt favour me and I would end up rotting away in some jail in the UAE.
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Apr 25, 2006
Hey Jag,

Good to have you back man, but sorry about your incident. The best advice I can give after going out with the police on the Roadstar campaign is get they guys plate number, report him and tell them you want him to be fined for dangerous driving. If you really wanted to cause him agro, you go to police station, file a report and they call the guy, get him in and you can stand there and shout at him to your hearts content. Not only embarrassing, but you'll waste a few hours of his time, which I suspect he feels is more precious than anyone elses. Also, now I always carry my digital camera in the car, take a picture and they soon back off.

Sadly many of these guys have little respect for anyone else, even the police. Hate to say it, but what is needed for these people to go straight is a few severe road rage incidents, a little bit of anarchy does wonders sometimes.

It's not that many of these guys are uneducated. I've seen many very good local drivers, but sadly it's the younger ones that are the big culprits as they have no discipline, plus sad to say people like you and me mean nothing to them, we're just in their way, they're in a hurry in every aspect of their life, link that with the enshalla attitude and it's a disaster waiting to happen. These guys are a law unto themselves, and trust me they will end up in a nasty prang, just get out of their way and hope it's not you they hit.

Latest statistics out say the number of young nationals killed on the roads is higher than the birth rate - so they are literally a dying breed and killing themselves off on the roads.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 25, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Driving licences? You win them in bags of Cheetos - don't you?

2 for $1 at Carrefour.
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Apr 25, 2006
I think what a lot of people forget too is the rest of the world ain't so rosy. At 16 I lived in a kampung house in Malaysia with a Muslim family. This is a wooden house off the ground with shutters and no windows and no ceiling-the pigeons crapping on my bed were a pain and the goats butting their heads on the floor from underneath the house was irritating. At the back of the small house was a wet area-it was concrete with a trough in one corner. Twice a day you bathe by pouring a saucepan of water over you. No hot water, no air con. The toilet was a squat toilet and hardly ever flushed. My point is this wasn't considered sub standard living (a girl from school dragged me off the bus to her place one afternoon and it was literally five pieces of galv iron-walls and roof-immaculately clean and she came to school everyday wearing her white shirt, perfectly pressed and perfectly clean. You have to remember that when you go to a country and enjoy a luxurious 5 star holiday that has cost you next to nothing the staff in these hotels live like this-willing to hand over your holiday money to change their standard of living?-I think not.

Absolutely correct Choc. Back to driving-experienced road rage and been followed by a 4wd-fully blackened out windows before because I beeped him for doing an illegal manoeuvre. About 20 (he wound down the window), just a cretin.
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Apr 25, 2006
fayz wrote:
Evesdaddy wrote:i thank you both....
its just i havent been anywhere with more potential than dubai...but in the same breath i cannot understand why in such a great city..has such massive issues... i have been to staff accomadations for service industry and they do not even have showers!!! this was just few months ago...just a garbage can full of water they douse themselves in... it was wires 6 people to a flat... i was sooo sad for them...and they were not happy about is as you would think...they come over from Romania..or philipeans etc with hopes of having a great job and make good money then are shown the reality of it all... just upsets me....

6 people to a room, that's luxurious!!! I met one Australian guy at the pub once when I first came to Dubai, he was carrying a book bag, we got to talking, he said, do you know why I carry this book bag, because I share a 2 room (1 bedroom) apartment with 20 people, he said “I carry this F’n bag because I have no place to put it” I’ll always remember that man. I’ve been fortunate in Dubai I have quite a large place to myself and have opened my doors to many including a few forum members because I remembered this one guy and his “rude awakening” coming to DXB. Also to thank those that opened their hearts and doors to me.

There are many people here that are taken advantage of, recruitment companies charge 1 years salary to get guys here which is money they borrow. Why do they come, because they’ve watched there sisters become prostitutes to feed their families, they watched there neighbors die, they dream for a better life. It is disgusting and proof that greed is the root of evil.

Some of these people abscond, some commit suicide, some turn to drugs and theft.

Why do people no longer get carted around in cattle trucks, nothing to do with safety, no it is because it looked bad for the tourists to see (how pathetic is that). Sadly though is Dubai unique in this? No although it happened many years before all great cities were built on the backs of slaves, people just never learn.

Progress and the façade of beauty at what price?

Great post Fayz. :)
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 25, 2006
i just have been drving in this country for half year. you guys are totally right. it's not safe to drive here at all. some of them are really crazy. coz of that i just got a very speed and powerful car. but i still have to drive very carefully in dubai.
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Apr 25, 2006
Great commentary and real concerns.

Lets do our part although it is probably unrealistic to do anything about the construction slave labor.

But it is within our own control to be respectul and nice to;

The nanny/babysitter
The maid
The Gardner
The doorman
The Taxidriver (don't forget to tip)
The guy who washes your car (don't forget to tip)
Your waiter, waitress, bar tender,
The "tea - boy" at your office
The toilet attendant
The usher at the movies
The sales clerk
The gas station attendant
The construction workers (if you happen to be employed in that field)
The parking lot attendant,
Supermarket cashier
Supermatrket grocery bagger
Security guards, etc.
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Apr 25, 2006
yer right :roll: :roll:

as long as they are polite, curtious and helpful yes, otherwise they get what they ask for with respect
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Apr 25, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Good to have you back man, but sorry about your incident. The best advice I can give after going out with the police on the Roadstar campaign is get they guys plate number, report him and tell them you want him to be fined for dangerous driving. If you really wanted to cause him agro, you go to police station, file a report and they call the guy, get him in and you can stand there and shout at him to your hearts content. Not only embarrassing, but you'll waste a few hours of his time, which I suspect he feels is more precious than anyone elses. Also, now I always carry my digital camera in the car, take a picture and they soon back off.

I heard a story last year that someone did that - went to the police station after a road rage incident to complain (apparently he hadn't moved over quick enough when another driver was flashing lights at him, when he did move over, other driver stopped him and hit him or threatened to). The victim was contacted by his embassy later that day to warn him that the other driver had also complained and the police were going to come to arrest him the next day. They suggested he leave the country and would assist him to do that. He left that night.

Sound plausible or is that just completely off the wall?

Oh, and I thought I read recently that taking photographs of someone without their permission is illegal in the UAE (although I think your idea is a good one :) )?
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Apr 25, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Also, now I always carry my digital camera in the car, take a picture and they soon back off.

Chocs, I've been doing the same. I also take pics of 'special' people overtaking using the hard shoulders or hazzard lanes when the rest of us normal people have been waiting politely in traffic and email to the police. I've gone in and checked the plates and some have actually had fines emposed against them, which I thought was bloody marvelous. Coincidently the AD plated cars that I've snapped have never made it on to the fines database.
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Apr 25, 2006
Nice one X and Choc's

8) 8)
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Apr 25, 2006
I think the guy being arrested is totally off the wall. The Captain of the Traffic police told me, that if someone really ticks you off, to press charges and the police will take it seriously. Like I said if you make hassle for these guys - they hate it!

HHmmmm I did read somewhere about a guy that took someone elses picture and got into trouble, but it depends I guess on 'who' it is. Most people will get scared, if you're taking a piccy of the car, plate and what it's doing - not the person then it shouldn't be a problem. It's perfectly legal to take pictures in a public place of a public place, but if it's people then yes you do have to be careful as it is classed as invasion of privacy HOWEVER you can get around this if the person is deemed to be committing a crime.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 25, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I think the guy being arrested is totally off the wall. The Captain of the Traffic police told me, that if someone really ticks you off, to press charges and the police will take it seriously. Like I said if you make hassle for these guys - they hate it!

HHmmmm I did read somewhere about a guy that took someone elses picture and got into trouble, but it depends I guess on 'who' it is. Most people will get scared, if you're taking a piccy of the car, plate and what it's doing - not the person then it shouldn't be a problem. It's perfectly legal to take pictures in a public place of a public place, but if it's people then yes you do have to be careful as it is classed as invasion of privacy HOWEVER you can get around this if the person is deemed to be committing a crime.

Hey guys, nice to see you all too :) Feeling better today whew. No nasty road encounters. But I dont think that story is too off the wall, if I know one thing about these guys is that some of them are VERY vengeful. If you take them to the police station by complaining, I wouldnt find it that unlikely for them to threaten you later, or if they know someone big, etc.. to them its all about them getting the last say. And who wants to deal with that stuff eh? :roll:
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Apr 26, 2006
Chocs, u're correct about invasion of privacy. I enquired about it before I went along snapping away. Response from the officer was that it is best to take a picture of the rear of the car where the license plate and vehicle dynamics (make, colour, type, etc) were legible, as a front on picture where the driver is easily recognizable constitutes invasion of privacy.
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Apr 28, 2006
This is a really interesting thread...and I am not going to complain about living here cos I love it- with all its up and downs. I have been driving here for 8 years- always keep calm...let all the craziness happen around me and keep eyes in the back of my head open. But in the last couple of weeks I seem to have lost my nerve and am petrified if I have to drive on Sheikh Z Road....has this happened to anyone else? i used to be fine but now I am so scared when driving on it! Any advice anyone...and yes I do use the other roads- Al Khail, Em road etc but sometimes you can't avoid it and i want to get over this fear!
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Apr 28, 2006
all well and good snapping the guys plate/car or whatever.....sometimes it isnt that simple...picture this for a dilemma..

i was driving a colleague (visiting dubai from the london office) from dubai to abu dhabi. just as i was approaching abu dhabi airport, some a**hole drives up behind me at 180 kph at least and starts flashing me like a nudist on acid. i sped up to move lanes (their was a car adjacent to me) but the dude behind me thought "hell, i'll overtake on the hard shoulder". which he did. taking my wing mirror with him for a joyride. and then he speed off not giving a flying f*** despite me beeping and flashing my lights. and i couldnt stop and call the cops cos my colleague needed to catch the flight....luckily the prob lem was sorted cos the traffic cops at AD airport helped me out...but im telling u the long, lonely drive back to Dubai with a missing wing mirror is not nice....and all this because some dude couldnt wait 3 seconds while i changed lanes.

rant over...
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Apr 28, 2006
Really interesting thread guys - I get stressed enough driving here in the UK with the number of idiots on our roads so I'm gonna have to take some serious "chill pills" before moving to Dubai!!!
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Apr 29, 2006
G wrote:Really interesting thread guys - I get stressed enough driving here in the UK with the number of idiots on our roads so I'm gonna have to take some serious "chill pills" before moving to Dubai!!!

You'll be needing alot of those !! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Apr 29, 2006
Guys you are exagerating... There are countries FAR FAR FAR worse than this one when it comes to drivers... Lets not single this place out...

I have been a driver in many places, Lebanon, Greece, Cyprus, Canada, France, US, Chech Republic, etc... There are a$$wipes all over the place, this place is no different...
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Apr 29, 2006
Just recently, I have been taking rides with a friend...who is not the best driver in the world! We all think we are the best and safest driver possible and it is always the other person who is at fault, then sit in with someone else for a while...

It has scared me witless to watch this person wandering over the lanes, chatting on the mobile, steering with her knees at 160kmph, not using mirrors, making 15 point u-turns, colliding with the curb...I have now refused to get in the car with her and insist on driving! The level of driving instruction she has had in the past must have been minimal and this is a common factor. What the hell are they teaching people in the driving schools here?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Sweaty palms!!!

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