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Please suggest Sep 02, 2014
I attended an interview on November 17th 2013, and then went back to my home country as my visa got expired. I was selected in that interview, They took all my details to process the visa before i left. After waiting for 4.5 months in India they sent me employment visa at the end of March. Then I came back on April 1st 2014.I joined a company on April 2nd,2014. I had come from India in employment visa only. Office was not clean at all. I thought may be its done once in a week but for one month it was not cleaned (including wash room). Then after completing one month i was waiting for the salary for first month,Then I asked my employer for my salary, he told its their company rule that the salary will be given after 2 months. (Salary for April in June end, May July end and so on). I was very much disturbed with this. On the other hand office was so messy dustbins were filled and all the waste was put in the corner of the floor(Including food items). Which after few days started stinking.

Moreover as the employer had to pay money to different companies including banks used to call daily and warn me to help them to catch my employer. Which on the other hand my employer was always trying to escape from them. Finally all bank calls and other company calls started threatening me saying I am not helping them in any way I am helping my cheater boss. So finally i decided to give the resignation and went to my boss and submitted my resignation which he did not accept. So i went home and sent it through my personal email on July 10th 2014, saying August 10th will be my last working day and i want to go back to my home country. But till date i am not released or he did not cancel my visa. So when I asked him regarding this he is threatening me saying he will put all the possible cases on me and put one year ban on me. And will try to give me maximum trouble.

Today(September 2nd 2014) I filed a complaint against him in the ministry regarding the same. Please help me and tell how i can proceed further. Can he put case on me(when I did not do anything wrong) ?

Kindly advice.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 5
Location: Sharjah AE

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Re: Please Suggest Sep 03, 2014
You should have written a complaint to Dubai Ministry of Labor while you were still in Dubai, the moment the Boss told you that the salary will be given after 2 months. Now the situation is a bit dodgy. Theoretically he can report an absconding case.
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Re: Please Suggest Sep 03, 2014
He is demanding for AED. 7000/- to cancel my visa. But when I inquired in the ministry they said he cant report absconding case as i have given complaint in the ministry
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Location: Sharjah AE

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Re: Please Suggest Sep 03, 2014
Hi Kinu and welcome to Dubai Forums.
Can you be more specific about the company? What is the company name? May be it should be added to our black list?
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Re: Please Suggest Sep 03, 2014
Can he forcefully keep me here in such bad working condition. No cleaning, no salary, abusing calls and boss speaking badly always. Without peace of mind I cant work in that organization

--- Sep 03, 2014 ---

Hello Andyba,

Boss has already scolded me saying I am spoiling the reputation of the company. And he will try to put me in maximum trouble , he doesnt mind even if he gets to pay money for that. Can he do that? I want to go back to India. I never thought even in Dubai such company and people are there.

All this has disturbed my personal life too.

--- Sep 03, 2014 ---

--- Sep 03, 2014 ---

Please help me to go back t0 my country.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Please Suggest Oct 09, 2014
You know the saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
If there are companies and banks going after your boss. You can try to seek their help.

Just one question the boss is local?
What was the ministry of labor response after your complaint?
You should try to record what your boss is telling you on your mobile phone. This will help you if it gets nasty.
Take some photos of unclean office. Take evidence from your bank that you didn't get salary etc.
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Re: Please Suggest Oct 09, 2014
Boss is a Indian. I have videos of unclean office in my mobile. Boss came to ministry today (3rd hearing) and told the legal advisor that i need to go office and hand over the things then he will cancel my visa. Then advisor told me to go to the office immediately and finish off the work. As soon as we came out of the ministry Boss came to me and told he will not be in office today and so sunday i should go to office and handover things. But i dont have any of the documents or things to handover. He is simply acting in the ministry.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 5
Location: Sharjah AE

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