keyper wrote:Why do a lot of people, especially men think that Filipinas in dubai are cheap?
"They are cheap" I've been hearing that comment from people here in dubai. When I ask why, they would say;
* because they go out with several men at the same time?
* because they ask money from their partner?
* because they bring all their friends to hang out and let the guy pay for everything?
* because they don't ask for a expensive dates?
and more to go...
WHEW! Let's have reality bites. If they are cheap, then why almost every nationality likes to date with filipinas? They don't just date with them, they chase filipinas, they cry for filipinas, and they accept filipinas even at their worsts.
you said it yourself ,,, but you just used the wrong word ....
filipina's aint cheap , they just damn easy.
all the rest you hear ,, is just words that are used to try an hide the fact of how easy they are..
cause straight revelations , might just make the target alittle movable an the aim alittle harder .... so them other theroies you hear that try to make em sound cheap , is just to keep the the target stationary .
now i aint generalisin em all ... but just tryin to answer your queries .. with proper facts as far as my knowledge expands to in this reigon with filipina's....
and if my knowledge comes across as distasteful to you baby ,,, dont feel harsh bout it ... instead just think about it