haha .. i had fun reading this forum. yea, i think he just lost the interest and jump to another one who can fulfill his needs. huhu. experienced it.
but its just cool with me, the next time he saw me in the gym, he became so sweet, cool and asking me how am i. but thats just all. cos i also stop sending him msgs when i sense that he responds lil late. i think we just had an icecream date in baskin, a movie, we watched blended of adam sandler which was very funny, i really like him, and he said to me that he also like me. but i was too careful that he might just playing around, so i just dont know what happen with us. hehe. anyway, thats life.. just get over and think of it as a friendly date. waaaaaaaaaaah. its okay.. im okay. hehe.
ohhh dubai, i never thought it will be like this. im currently dating someone again, hope itl work out. Mr. Curiousity, Find me. -Jason Mraz

enjoy ur day guys!