alexandra wrote:today i was with my friends and one of the boys saied: i will never understand what women want from us, if u r sweet and kind, they will always go for the tough and sometimes even rude one. lol after this all the boys started to complain about their similar experience. the girls reaction, as expected, was immediate. so boys, let us know what "unsolved mistery" have u came across untill now about women, and ladies, let's help the gentlemen complete the puzzle, shall we? and let us share with them also what we think is so strange about them or their reactions!

She /woman/ wants to be a temptation, a temptress, she wants to hunt, to play & win in the game of seduction... But ask her "What you gonna do with him when you win his heart?" - She doesn`t have a reply.
A man who is "sweet `n kind" is not that object, & so she loose an interest to him or even get scared.
It happens when a woman is not ready to a serious relation but hardly she realizes it being a decent woman. Sometimes it has its roots in a low self-esteem & a woman still behave a hunter to conquer his attention, love etc. during all their relationship. You guys may become a winner... but if you play. Go on easily, maybe she`ll get ready...
alexandra wrote:...and let us share with them also what we think is so strange about them or their reactions!
Same story with the guys... I met guys who sincerely told me "You are TOO good". It comes that to be good is bad! Weird, not?.. Some of them continued: " are a girl for a marriage... but I`m not ready to that" or "I want to give you a star from the skies... but I CANNOT anything! A girl of a higher status is not to me".
Finally, most of succesful relations start as fun, as a /truthful/ game, from flirt & everything nice.