So what can we do to address this, how can we get more time?
We need to invest in time to get more time! Commercially we are all geared to making more money, investing in things that will bring us great dividends so we can buy more. We need to apply this idea to our health too.
Make a plan
Lets plan to make time. Invest some time to gain more time. Plan your meals in advance to be able to make healthier choices. Plan your days and evenings to make time for a type of exercise you enjoy. Invest in it by making the time to plan for it.
You are what you eat
Make sure to keep a well-rounded diet. Balance, variety and moderation are three key words to adhere to. Choose foods that are high in fibre, low in fat and include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Pack some snacks for work – an apple or perhaps a handful of almonds helps to avoid that pick-me-up afternoon chocolate bar. If you think you might prefer some assistance with making choices, please get in touch.
Get active!
Exercise – whilst exercising the body releases endorphins that gives you energy and helps tackle feeling lethargic, exercising three to four times a week for 45mins also reduces the risk of heart disease by as much as 20 percent. Exercise also helps to combat free radials that tackle issues such as cancer.
Whilst time is of essence and you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer thought of fitting exercise into your already full schedule, there are ways of doing this. Plan ahead and don’t over do it! Keep it fun, easily accessible and treat it as part of your job. Mark it in your calendar and if possible, join a group to make a cancellation harder. Help is at hand should you need, as Ignite will help answering your questions.
Get support
Get your Human Resources team to explore the introduction of a wellness program in your organisation, or convince some of your colleagues to join you in creating a culture in the organisation that supports movement and wellbeing. Ask for support if you think you need it.
Why is this problem so prevalent in the Gulf?
Although working in the Gulf has its many advantages, being able to successfully marry work with a fitness and wellbeing schedule is no easy task. People in the Gulf work hard and play hard, making it difficult to find the time. Add the desert climate, which sees the temperature soaring for many months of the year, and time spent outdoors becomes a task in itself. The layout of the city does not help either, as people may have to rely on cars to get from A to B. Another major factor to consider is the role that eating out plays in the equation. Entertaining is not an optional extra. For many, it is a vital part of the corporate mix and many a deal is made over decadent and calorie-laden buffets.
What can you do about it?
Help is at hand and provided you have the willpower and determination to make the most of your company’s, and of course, your own wellbeing, there are a number of ways you can improve your fitness, health and ultimately your personal wealth!
source: ... 47041.html