I am currently in the works of establishing a brand development agency here in Sydney, Australia and we are looking for passionate, driven, career-focused entrepreneurs based in Dubai. Exciting? Keep reading...
Due to the fact we are going to be a newly established business, we are looking for soon to be business owners who would like to have their brand identity (e.g; logo, brand image) designed for them free of charge. What's the catch? No catch at all. We simply enjoy designing and would absolutely love to grow our portfolio. We will work with anyone from various industries and not limited to; Cosmetic, Automotive, Food & Beverage, Transport, Government...etc
What's in it for you? Well, you will have your business identity designed by professionals who have worked in the brand development industry for many years. Whats in it for us? Our portfolio will expand and it will provide us exposure... It's a win and win case.
Let's be realistic here, we would love to design for every individual who approaches us... however that will be an impossible task. We would like to design for approximately three clients. What to do? Reply to this post about your interest or inbox

Our vision? Our goal is to expand our business in the future and open an official office in Dubai to assist in expanding Dubai's economy whilst adding our mark to the UAE.
Interested? Reply back!