Re: Co-habitation
Mar 17, 2014
Hi! You'd better to be married moving to UAE. Have a look at the state policy in this question:
- Dubai police do not spend their time walking through apartment complexes and hotels knocking on doors and asking for marriage certificates (although in Sharjah they do according to news reports in April 2010), and there are no morality police as is the case with the Mutawwa in Saudi Arabia. However, if someone makes a complaint about illegal activity,[url=http then the police are obliged to investigate, and if the complainer has more wasta than the police and/or the alleged criminals, then the police will naturally investigate the complaint even more thoroughly.
- Strictly speaking, it is illegal to be in a private room, or even in a car, with an unrelated member of the opposite sex. This applies to rooms in Dubai hotels also. The rule is referred to as the Tawajed clause.
- And in a Gulf News Express report 09 June 2011, an advocate, Amer Syed from Al Suwaidi & Company, was quoted saying "In my experience, people are charged with living together unlawfully only if they've broken another law. Rarely are there cases of people hunted down for living with a member of the opposite sex, unless a tip or complaint is lodged" (however he did tell a story of a couple who were arrested, convicted, deported after the police came to their apartment to investigate a complaint made about theft by a maid).
- Your place of employment can make a difference also, since usually your employer is also your sponsor and might be held responsible if you step out of line. A conservative employer, or government employer, is unlikely to view a couple living together very favorably, especially if they're in company provided accommodation.
- Note also that while it is possible for one party to obtain a residence visa for their spouse in the UAE, if you're not married, that will not be possible. At least not a husband or wife visa. If you employ your boyfriend/girlfriend, then it might be possible since they're an employee as far as the authorities are concerned.
- raintear
- Dubai forums Addict

- Posts: 342
- Location: Dubai AE