Home Schooling Or K12 International Academy

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Home schooling or K12 international Academy Feb 09, 2014
I found interesting information about opportunity for our kids to get US/UAE HS Diploma studying at home.
What do you think about this program? Or is anybody here whose children pass this academy?

Home schooling offers an individualised learning programme, providing an alternative to kids who may otherwise get left behind, or a stimulating education to particularly gifted youngsters.
So, how does it work? Each student receives an online account and a box of materials and equipment to last them the whole year: textbooks, test tubes, microscopes – they’re all included. They then work their way through the programme, at their own pace, but within certain guidelines. They must ‘attend’ school for sufficient hours to complete the school year and meet Ministry Of Education requirements, and they must pass the assessments with at least 80 per cent in order to move on to the next lesson. There are regular conference calls with the teacher and virtual classmates, so students can be chatting in a ‘lesson’ with a teacher in Alaska and fellow classmates dotted all around the world. K12 creates a timetable for the entire year, including preparation and tips for parents. The schedule is flexible and can be changed to fit in with family trips and sports activities.

Block 12, 1st floor, Knowledge Village
Postal address PO Box 502981, Dubai, UAE
Telephone +971-4-3748247
Fax +971-4-4264748
Email iCademy@K12.com
Website www.icademy.com

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Re: Home Schooling Or K12 International Academy Feb 17, 2014
For the very first time i am hearing about this program but still i believe i would like to try it.
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