Mistery....is It So?

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mistery....is it so? Apr 18, 2006
today i was with my friends and one of the boys saied: i will never understand what women want from us, if u r sweet and kind, they will always go for the tough and sometimes even rude one. lol after this all the boys started to complain about their similar experience. the girls reaction, as expected, was immediate. so boys, let us know what "unsolved mistery" have u came across untill now about women, and ladies, let's help the gentlemen complete the puzzle, shall we? and let us share with them also what we think is so strange about them or their reactions!


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Apr 18, 2006
The problem is that women them selves don't know what they want :?
And if someday a guy managed to find it out then he will get Nobel Peace Prize :lol: :lol:
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Apr 18, 2006
Wafaey wrote:The problem is that women them selves don't know what they want :?
And if someday a guy managed to find it out then he will get Nobel Peace Prize :lol: :lol:

lol Wafaey, u really think so? what about the situation when women know what they go for it and discover that the kind and sensitive guy they wanted changed into a selfish and insensitive. aren't men a bit resposable for this confussion? :roll:
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Apr 18, 2006
alexandra wrote:
Wafaey wrote:The problem is that women them selves don't know what they want :?
And if someday a guy managed to find it out then he will get Nobel Peace Prize :lol: :lol:

lol Wafaey, u really think so? what about the situation when women know what they go for it and discover that the kind and sensitive guy they wanted changed into a selfish and insensitive. aren't men a bit resposable for this confussion? :roll:

And what about when women get what they want and then discover that what they wanted isn't infact what they need :!: :!: :!:
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Apr 18, 2006
tend to agree with wafaey(not bcoz he's a bloke)....want and need are 2 very different things...anyways if you did understand a woman totally...which is next to impossible...however enlightened you are...what would be the fun in that?...its all the quirks and little things that make them endearing infuriating engaging and totally trusting towards us...i like the unpredictability factor that a woman brings to a relationship...at the same time the cool calmness in a crisis situation...
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Re: mistery....is it so? Apr 18, 2006
alexandra wrote: i will never understand what women want from us, if u r sweet and kind, they will always go for the tough and sometimes even rude one.

Whahaha... thats damn true...
they 96% of ladies stick to the one who treat them like Sh@t (with all respect ladies) .. i dont know.. i think its their crazyness about taming the guy..

i know some girls who are abused/ very badly treated by their husbands/Bf and they are still saying : No no.. he still loves me.. i cant leave him.. ohhhh.. i cant imagine my life without him :D

Its funny.. ridiculous.. but true..
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Apr 18, 2006
alexandra wrote: lol Wafaey, u really think so? what about the situation when women know what they go for it and discover that the kind and sensitive guy they wanted changed into a selfish and insensitive. aren't men a bit resposable for this confussion? :roll:

Well.. such people never to be considered as MEN.. they are males who were running after s.e.x.. and once they got it.. then u will see the real face. :) .. we are taking about MALES here exclusively.
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Re: mistery....is it so? Apr 18, 2006
Intimacy wrote:
alexandra wrote: i will never understand what women want from us, if u r sweet and kind, they will always go for the tough and sometimes even rude one.

Whahaha... thats damn true...
they 96% of ladies stick to the one who treat them like Sh@t (with all respect ladies) .. i dont know.. i think its their crazyness about taming the guy..

i know some girls who are abused/ very badly treated by their husbands/Bf and they are still saying : No no.. he still loves me.. i cant leave him.. ohhhh.. i cant imagine my life without him :D

Its funny.. ridiculous.. but true..

i have to disagree here ,only woman with low self-esteem stick to jerks ...any other woman wants a descent man who treats her right ,take care of her and Respect her ...
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Re: mistery....is it so? Apr 18, 2006
Corcovado wrote:i have to disagree here ,only woman with low self-esteem stick to jerks ...any other woman wants a descent man who treats her right ,take care of her and Respect her ...

Exactly.. thats what they all say.. when they found this loving respcting guy.. they wont opt to stick to him.. they will choose that guy.. who just kick the sh@t of them.. i have seen that manytimes happening with people all the time :D
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Apr 19, 2006
I agree that women are a mystery...even to themselves :wink: :wink:
irish vanessa
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Apr 19, 2006
I think all women crave the guy who will protect and look after them and be faithful and loving, but on the other hand damn we like the bad boys, it's the excitment and many women will get the kick out of trying to be the one to tame the wild boys, which of course very very rarely works.

In abusive relationships, sadly many women confuse bad and abusive behaviour with feeling and love - sad and strange I know but very true. And yes it has a lot to do with self-esteem, many feel that if they leave they will never find anyone else and many even feel that they deserve to be treated badly, seen it so many times.

I also will say that the guy who can read a womans mind and giver her everything she wants AND needs would be treated like a god!

Plus don't forget it's all to do with hormones and pre-programmed behaviour, our animal instict if you like. Women will automatically seek out the strongest and more powerful man to father her children - goes back to the survival of the fittest - the dominant male is always more attractive, but not necessarily the most protective or caring.

It's really interesting.
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Apr 19, 2006
The fact that people have different opionions and different ways at looking at things makes it that much more difficult as a third party to judge. What may seem obvious to an onlooker is often 'overlooked' or is reasonable to the person directly involved. You never know a person until you have lived with them and even if you are exposed to the negative parts of a person's life obviously there is something keeping that person in their situation - be it love, fear or commitment.
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Apr 19, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I also will say that the guy who can read a womans mind and giver her everything she wants AND needs would be treated like a god!

A man who says that he understands women 100%, is a big fat liar !! :lol:
Don't u guys agree with me ?!
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Apr 19, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Plus don't forget it's all to do with hormones and pre-programmed behaviour, our animal instict if you like. Women will automatically seek out the strongest and more powerful man to father her children - goes back to the survival of the fittest - the dominant male is always more attractive, but not necessarily the most protective or caring.

When did it become a woman's choice? I thought men were programmed to knock out (charm) our chosen mate with a club (courting) and whisk her away on our broad, manly, ape-like shoulders (marriage).
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Re: mistery....is it so? Apr 19, 2006
Intimacy wrote:
alexandra wrote: i will never understand what women want from us, if u r sweet and kind, they will always go for the tough and sometimes even rude one.

Whahaha... thats damn true...
they 96% of ladies stick to the one who treat them like Sh@t (with all respect ladies) .. i dont know.. i think its their crazyness about taming the guy..

i know some girls who are abused/ very badly treated by their husbands/Bf and they are still saying : No no.. he still loves me.. i cant leave him.. ohhhh.. i cant imagine my life without him :D

Its funny.. ridiculous.. but true..

unfortunatelly i knew cases of abuse and i thnk it's not funny at all...a man abuses a woman when he takes advantage of her weekness, when he feels he cant control her completly, when he thinks he is superior only by the power of a punch. i knew women abused by words, or even sexually, and they became affraid to accept it and to fight to punish him, because normally after abusing he will come and say: i love u, i will never do it again etc. after an abuse she becomes emitonally week and without any force to fight back she will go on hoping that he will change, which will never be happened.
people never change and love blinds us sometimes, we become to see he/she has no bad things, being perfect...after sometime, when the euphoria fades away, the real character will be shown or maybe that we r tring to hard to look perfect in the eyes of each other and eventually we get tired of pretending- and troubles step in
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Apr 19, 2006
or even fun- even sexually abused
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Apr 19, 2006
XRW-147 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Plus don't forget it's all to do with hormones and pre-programmed behaviour, our animal instict if you like. Women will automatically seek out the strongest and more powerful man to father her children - goes back to the survival of the fittest - the dominant male is always more attractive, but not necessarily the most protective or caring.

When did it become a woman's choice? I thought men were programmed to knock out (charm) our chosen mate with a club (courting) and whisk her away on our broad, manly, ape-like shoulders (marriage).

X! Who said anything about marriage! I'm purely talking about offspring here. Look at nature, the female of any species will only mate with the strongest of the pride or pack i.e. the dominant male, because he's fought his way to be top dog and therefor is strong and has good genes. The weak are mostly rejected as their offspring would be considered also weak.
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Apr 19, 2006
For this topic, one thing comes to mind when you mention the word women. Its absence of 'logic'.
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Apr 19, 2006
Excuse me! I think women have a far more logical brain than men! And common sense too. MEn do the stupidest things. I'm telling you if women ruled the world, you wouldn't have half the problems there are today.

It's been well and truly proven that women make better business and investment decisions and are better at running companies.

Men just can't multi-task at all! Doing more than one thing at once is a virtual impossibility for guys!
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Apr 19, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
XRW-147 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Plus don't forget it's all to do with hormones and pre-programmed behaviour, our animal instict if you like. Women will automatically seek out the strongest and more powerful man to father her children - goes back to the survival of the fittest - the dominant male is always more attractive, but not necessarily the most protective or caring.

When did it become a woman's choice? I thought men were programmed to knock out (charm) our chosen mate with a club (courting) and whisk her away on our broad, manly, ape-like shoulders (marriage).

X! Who said anything about marriage! I'm purely talking about offspring here. Look at nature, the female of any species will only mate with the strongest of the pride or pack i.e. the dominant male, because he's fought his way to be top dog and therefor is strong and has good genes. The weak are mostly rejected as their offspring would be considered also weak.

Are you implying that the big man always gets the girl?
That's not always the case my dear. In this age, the smart guy gets the girl and most of the time, the smart guys have the dough.

Humans are totally different from the animal kingdom. Why do you think we are the only species capable if thinking? You're talking about animal behavior here.
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Apr 19, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Excuse me! I think women have a far more logical brain than men! And common sense too. MEn do the stupidest things. I'm telling you if women ruled the world, you wouldn't have half the problems there are today.

It's been well and truly proven that women make better business and investment decisions and are better at running companies.

Men just can't multi-task at all! Doing more than one thing at once is a virtual impossibility for guys!

well saied Chocoholic! :lol:
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Apr 19, 2006
If women are so smart, why is the world still dominated by men? First man on the moon, fastest man on earth, strongest man on earth, man of the century, etc.

Who is stopping you women from doing it? Not to mention, your kind outnumber us extensively. Our kind already suffered losses on every war on earth.
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Apr 19, 2006
Torvalds wrote:For this topic, one thing comes to mind when you mention the word women. Its absence of 'logic'.

well Torvalds, u claim to have more logic than the "topic" women. just one thing i have to mention for ur general knowledge: a woman gave birth to u, fed u, raised up so u can be able to come today in the forum an say that : pretty logical, don't u think?
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Apr 19, 2006
Torvalds wrote:If women are so smart, why is the world still dominated by men? First man on the moon, fastest man on earth, strongest man on earth, man of the century, etc.

Who is stopping you women from doing it?

behind a succesfull man, there is an inteligent woman, have u heared of it?
a woman bigest succes is to have a great family, to be able to raise her kids in a proper manner and as they grow up, to put in them values and principles. all wise and succesfull men have never forgotten to thank, the mother, the wife etc who was with them and brought them support and careing. a woman can do all this and still havea great career!
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Apr 19, 2006
I said for this topic, right? And for this topic alone. Anything else is out of the question.

Alexandra, stick to the topic. Don't fall out of line.
We're supposed to talk about logic.
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Apr 19, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:X! Who said anything about marriage! I'm purely talking about offspring here. Look at nature, the female of any species will only mate with the strongest of the pride or pack i.e. the dominant male, because he's fought his way to be top dog and therefor is strong and has good genes. The weak are mostly rejected as their offspring would be considered also weak.

You've got it all wrong Chocco - I'm half agreeing with your theory. My point was we aren't programmed to let u choose, we just take and only the strongest are able to 'take' what they want ;)
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Apr 19, 2006
Torvalds wrote:I said for this topic, right? And for this topic alone. Anything else is out of the question.

i am sorry but it seemed to me that u were way out of the topic, my mistake if i got u wrong :)
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Apr 19, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Excuse me! I think women have a far more logical brain than men! And common sense too. MEn do the stupidest things. I'm telling you if women ruled the world, you wouldn't have half the problems there are today.

It's been well and truly proven that women make better business and investment decisions and are better at running companies.

Men just can't multi-task at all! Doing more than one thing at once is a virtual impossibility for guys!

Did anyone notice that people react violently when they are threatened?
....And totally getting emotional while at it.
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Apr 19, 2006
Torvalds wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Excuse me! I think women have a far more logical brain than men! And common sense too. MEn do the stupidest things. I'm telling you if women ruled the world, you wouldn't have half the problems there are today.

It's been well and truly proven that women make better business and investment decisions and are better at running companies.

Men just can't multi-task at all! Doing more than one thing at once is a virtual impossibility for guys!

Did anyone notice that people react violently when they are threatened?
....And totally getting emotional while at it.

well it seems to me that u r the one who is not sticking to the topic and for sure u make no sense, not to say that u have no logic!!!!!!!!
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Apr 19, 2006
Its not addressed to you in case you have'nt noticed. That's why I quoted, girl.
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