How Strong Are Villa Walls?

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How strong are villa walls? Dec 28, 2013

I'll be moving to Dubai soon. So far everything's working out wonderfully and I don't have any real questions. Only one thing is nagging me. I have a boxing bag (about 35kg) that I want to bring along. At home it's hangs from the wall with a frame with six 10cm long screws and wall plugs. I know I'll be allowed to drill holes into my villa walls. The question is: are the walls generally strong enough? I suppose they're build of concrete?

Thanks a lot.

UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1
Location: on the move

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Re: How Strong Are Villa Walls? Jan 06, 2014
That's an interesting question. :)
Usually the walls are strong enough to support a TV.
It depends on the actual villa you will have to discuss this with the land lord.
In the worst case you can hang your boxing bag somewhere outside in the yard.
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