Lack Of Oxygen Provokes Cancer!

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Lack of oxygen provokes cancer! Jan 05, 2014
It's not a secret, that due to dry tropical climate Dubai has lack of oxygen in the air: 80 % of the average level in the world.
Today I found this article: ... -1.1019254
Here is written that low oxygen level leads to cancer deseases.
Do we have reason to warry about :cry: ?

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Re: Lack Of Oxygen Provokes Cancer! Jan 06, 2014
Lack of oxygen for cells is more correlated with lack of exercise and/or severe anaemia.
I don't think that low oxygen in the air as it is in Dubai can lead to cancer.
Also the link between cancer and oxygen is not proved yet. It's just a hypotheses.
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Re: Lack Of Oxygen Provokes Cancer! Jan 06, 2014
Well, law oxygen level in the air surely influences on our body condition: by the time you feel faint or dizzy, you may not have enough energy or alertness to escape. That's why we can say that our cells are exposed of lack of oxygen. Of course, there is no evident correlation between severe disease and hypoxia. But it can be additional factor that damages our body along with many others and leads factors to hard deceases...
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Re: Lack Of Oxygen Provokes Cancer! Sep 24, 2014
We have to admit that these days, more and more people are getting sick and having diseases such as cancer. I think it is because there's no more available fresh foods here (if there is, is very few). All our foods have preservatives, frozen, etc. The saddest part is that, we tend to eat outside most of the times, fast foods, etc. Not healthy at all. And we lack exercise.

I find it necessary for us to start taking care of ourselves. We have an option to take supplementation to get the nutrition that our body needs. We need natural food supplements to boost our immune system and cleanse our body with all the toxins that we have in our blood. Because if we don't start now, we are not sure what will happen to our health in the future. If we spend money in cleaning our toilet, when is the last time that we spend money to clean our body in the inside? We should act now! Health is Wealth! What to do with so much money if you'll just spend it in medicines that harms your liver and kidney? We have to be aware and take care of our health and our loved ones health too. Also, drink plenty of water. 3 liters per day is the requirement of our body and of course, exercise.
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