We've moved on from baby porridge and soft boiled egg and soldiers, ate our way through numerous Kellogg's multiple packs and boxes upon boxes of Kellogg's Coco pops. We've tried instant porridge ( I don't know why, as I make the real thing every morning during the winter) and finally settled on toast and marmite. It's been toast and marmite for a couple of years now until a couple of weeks ago.
Looking back to when I was a child, my mother was a rubbish cook. My sister and I were often fed baked beans for breakfast, I think this passed as a cooked breakfast in her eyes. As I couldn't face baked beans when I woke up they were left till I was ready to leave home. They ( the beans) had been warmed a few times by this stage and by the time I was sat down to eat, you could cut them with a knife and fork.
After returning from Dubai recently, I made Beth the usual toast and was informed that she didn't eat toast any more. She now eats some cereal with dried fruit. It's dried till you add milk then the dried strawberries become plump, like proper fruit. It looks mingin to me. Since i've been proper grown up Ive been a porridge girl, or weetabix in the summer days ( 2, this year).
I've known people eat pizza for breakfast and cold curry. My eldest daughter used to swear by a Big Mac as a hangover cure.
What's your favourite breakfast or what will you admit to eating in the morning?
Please keep it clean