Animals In The UAE

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Animals in the UAE Apr 10, 2006
Just read an article in the newspaper yesterday about people dumping unwanted dogs in the Emirates Hills.

This happens all over the world, but dont you think there should be more government support for charities like K9 Friends or Feline Friends to be able to deal with the problem instead of just shooting or drugging the poor wee things?

I dont know, maybe its just my view, but some people buy pets like cats and dogs like its a new toy or a new mobile.........when the next new thing comes along, the wee defenseless things are just dumped :cry: :cry:

With all the money in the UAE, more finance could be put towards the welfare of animals..........starting at Dubai Zoo.....which of course is another story.... :wink:

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Re: Animals in the UAE Apr 11, 2006
SheikhaS wrote:Just read an article in the newspaper yesterday about people dumping unwanted dogs in the Emirates Hills.

This happens all over the world, but dont you think there should be more government support for charities like K9 Friends or Feline Friends to be able to deal with the problem instead of just shooting or drugging the poor wee things?

I dont know, maybe its just my view, but some people buy pets like cats and dogs like its a new toy or a new mobile.........when the next new thing comes along, the wee defenseless things are just dumped :cry: :cry:

With all the money in the UAE, more finance could be put towards the welfare of animals..........starting at Dubai Zoo.....which of course is another story.... :wink:

K9 Friends and Feline Friends operate solely on voluntary services and donations. I completely agree and it's such a shame that animals get the poor end of the stick. There was the story not too long ago of the Police in Sharjah poisoning a litter of puppies in public despite a crowd disagreeing with them and offering to take the dogs into homes. They suffered terrribly and died long, slow, painful deaths in full sight of the people.

As a dog companion (we don't own an animal, we are their companions) I am so surprised at the hypocritical attitude here. They are banned from the parks and beaches, yet many locals own dogs as pets and also are into Saluki racing, however are completely intolerant of other people who have well cared for or obedient pets.

I hear that Dubai Zoo is being moved to Mushriff Park, where the animals will be more in a safari park environment and out of those horrible little cages. Amazing what can happen when beach front property prices rise high enough to warrant re-development of a site!

:? :roll: :shock:

Dubai Knight
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Apr 11, 2006
Gandhi once said 'The state of a country's moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals'

The way animals are treated in the UAE is nothing short of appalling - not to mention unislamic! There was a story in the paper the other day, where a driver cruelly dumped a tiny kitten on the central reservation on Sheikh Zayed road to get it run over - what kind of sick person does that? If they didn't want the animal all they had to do was to hand it into a vets surgery and it would have been looked after.

There so many abandoned animals and Feline Friends and K9 are pretty much at breaking point, they do a fantastic job but need all the help they can get.

The Ministry should set up a sort of RSPCA to stamp out animal cruelty. Dog fighting is rife here and many pets are stolen to use as bait of to participate in fighting, sadly it's well known that even some members of the police are involved in this sick sport so there's no hope there!

But in a country where many people are treated like dirt what can you expect.

I would ask that if anyone here ever witnesses animal cruelty that they step in to stop it. If you find an abandoned or sick animal take it to a vet or hand it in to one of the charitable bodies.

Animals are sentient beings, they have feelings and feel pain just like us and many rely on human beings for their care, it's a shame that many people to not see or accept this.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 11, 2006
@ choco...its Gandhi not ghandi...
not related to the topis as such but i m very happy with the sentence given yesterday in a session court of India....Salman Khan- one of the most famous actors in Indian movies has been sentenced 5 yrs rigorous jail for killing a black buck...
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Apr 11, 2006
Well sorry for making a typo! Corrected!

Yeah poaching is terrible too and needs to be stamped out!

Sadly many species have been hunted to the brink of exstinction thanks to mans greed and wanting to have trophies or the animal part industry in countries like China.

Man needs to start realising that he has no right to do this and that we share our earth with many wonderful things, but many just take advantage. It's so sad.
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Apr 11, 2006
XRW and I were talking about dogs a few weeks back and we thought that getting people from DubaiForums to donate to the K9 Friends, or volunteer some time as a worker or foster parents would be a great idea. Feline Friends could also use help, including fostering cats. Please consider helping out - it would really benefit the animals and you would get a lot of satisfaction out of doing a good deed. :)

Here are the Web links to these organisations;

K9 Friends -

Feline Friends -

The problem of stray and abandoned animals is serious here, because many people don't spay or neuter their companion animals, and some expats just let them loose when they move back to their home countries. If you check the bulletin boards at many of the local grocery stores you will see ads for "Pets needing a new home" because the expats are leaving. I have no clue what they do if they can't find a home for the animals before they leave...

There is also a problem of people not choosing the right companion animal - either getting frustrated that a cat rips up the furniture, or wondering why a large dog is being so destructive after being left alone during long work days. Some people think, "Hey, it is just an animal", but having a companion animal is just like having a child - it needs love and attention, food, medical care, and recreation. Spend enough time with an animal and you'll see the intelligence, humour and love - they aren't "just animals". :)
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Apr 11, 2006
Nice one Kanelli. Yes it's true that many expats bring animals into the country but when they want to leave and find out the cost of transporting the animal then the possibility of having it in quarantine for 6 months puts them off, very sad - an animal is for life! Not just for however long it's convenient to have it.

People get fed up when puppies chew their furniture to bits - hello it's a puppy, and they have teething problems just like babies! My dog ate my kitchen floor and the bedside table and anything wooden she could get her teeth into, she was trashing things until she was about 2 years old! But what to do, it's part and parcel of having a pet.

Dogs get bored if left on their own really quickly especially the working breeds as they're so intelligent. I still have child locks on all the cupboards as my doggy dear will open them and pull everything out, raid the fridge, steal stuff out the bin then give you puppy eyes and a waggy tail when you get home with the 'It wasn't me, the cat did it' look!

I can't help but fall about laughing she's hilarious! The cat beats her up though, he's boss man apart from at night when they curl up together at the bottom of the bed - ahhhhh it's cute! And who says dogs and cats don't get along, they'd be lost without one another.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 11, 2006
I'm already on the lookout for a new furbaby to keep our other kitty company. Unfortunately, judging by our current kitty's behaviour with other animals he meets, I think a dog just isn't possible. Even a new kitty in our household is going to see some fur fly methinks :shock: .
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 11, 2006
ah miss me "ex"'s cats...really wanna get a friend for me own...hmmm...might do...choc your description makes me wanna go and adopt one now....kanelli might just do that...foster one or in fact 2(gotta have a male and female cat) fact the other day...we had a big persian walk into our house injured...and me and my flatmate fed it...let it rest...and the worst part was when i had to go out the next day and look for the owner...and found him(to my immense dissapointment...i wanted to keep the damn ball of fur!!) i've got me "visiting" a proud foster pap :lol:
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Apr 11, 2006
Kanelli, cats and dogs llearn to get along. There's only 6 months between my two and I've had them both since 8 weeks old. When I brought the kitten home you should have seen the way he reacted to the dog, it was so funny, like a cartoon cat standing up on his claws, fur all on end trying to make himself look as big as possible, he'd spit and hiss and take swips at the dog, the dog would bat him about. But it's a normal reaction, after a few weeks they become best buddies. I've always had both dogs and cats and they've always got along because they don't know any different.

If you get a young dog or one that is used to cats, I'm sure your kitty would take to it after a while, they soon enjoy having a protector to chase all the other cats out of the yard.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 11, 2006
Your furbabies sound awesome Choco! :) I hope that one day our cats can get along with a dog. Taking two cats back home after our stint in Dubai will be enough. It will be traumatic for them, and will be quite an expense for us the more animals we try to take back. The fostering thing won't work for me - I get too attached. :(

Constantine, you should give Feline Friends a call, or send them a mail to ask about available kitties! I talked to a lady today who said that there were over 30 cats available for fostering or adoption at the last Feline Friends open day, so plenty of kitties need a home.

XRW, what's new on the dog front?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 11, 2006
kanelli wrote:Your furbabies sound awesome Choco! :) I hope that one day our cats can get along with a dog. Taking two cats back home after our stint in Dubai will be enough. It will be traumatic for them, and will be quite an expense for us the more animals we try to take back. The fostering thing won't work for me - I get too attached. :(

Constantine, you should give Feline Friends a call, or send them a mail to ask about available kitties! I talked to a lady today who said that there were over 30 cats available for fostering or adoption at the last Feline Friends open day, so plenty of kitties need a home.

XRW, what's new on the dog front?

i agree...fostering for me...wouldnt work too...would really get attached...will give them a call for sure!!....once i move to the new place...cats get really traumatised by each move...wanna make sure they settle in ok at one is a huge responsibility...hmm
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Apr 11, 2006
Cats: "Small women in fur coats!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Apr 12, 2006
To be honest I've never had an issue moving my animals around. With cats they say you should keep them in for 4-6 weeks in the new house so it becomes scented and they know where home is. My cat's never been a roamer, he's too fat an lazy for that, the end of the road is as far as he gets before his tummy starts grumbling again.
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Apr 12, 2006
kanelli wrote:XRW, what's new on the dog front?

Still pending K.

But am gonna sign up as a volunteer to help with the kennels for the time being.
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Apr 13, 2006
Maybe there should be a "pet adoption" section on this forum. That way us members of the forum could help out and "rescue" some of the unfortunate pets.
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Apr 13, 2006
Concord wrote:Maybe there should be a "pet adoption" section on this forum. That way us members of the forum could help out and "rescue" some of the unfortunate pets.

No need for that. Such posts can go into the For Sales section that we have set up.
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Apr 15, 2006
Liban, adopting or fostering is not the same as 'For Sale'.
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Apr 17, 2006

I just called Feline Friends and hopefully Im going to adopt a wee kitten this week!

The cat I have now, broke her pelvis a few weeks ago poor wee thing, and shes feeling sorry for herself, so Im gonna get her a wee friend!

Imagine! I must have the only cat in the world to fall off a wall and break its pelvis!?!

Strange I know! :(
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Apr 17, 2006
I month or so ago I thought our cat broke his leg after falling off of a bar chair, but he was okay, just sore for a while. Those furry beasts get up to all kinds of bad business and can rack up quite the vet bill from falls and eating things they shouldn't. :)
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Apr 17, 2006
kanelli wrote:I month or so ago I thought our cat broke his leg after falling off of a bar chair, but he was okay, just sore for a while. Those furry beasts get up to all kinds of bad business and can rack up quite the vet bill from falls and eating things they shouldn't. :)

Less JD and more coke next time for him then!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Apr 18, 2006
Cats that don't land on their feet?! Wow, bizarre. My cat Neo is so darn lazy when you put his food out on the kitchen table (so doggy doesn't demolish it) he looks at you, looks at the bowl, little eyes pleading to be picked up and put in front of his food - lazy bugger!

Once had a cat who tried to jump through a window, sadly window was shut, smashed into the window and sort of slithered down the glass. The poor kitty was a bit dazed for a while, but OK.

They do the silliest things. My cats favourtie passtime at the moment is hiding under the cover of our BBQ and attacking the dog as she runs past, just little feet darting out from under, hours of fun.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Apr 18, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:
kanelli wrote:I month or so ago I thought our cat broke his leg after falling off of a bar chair, but he was okay, just sore for a while. Those furry beasts get up to all kinds of bad business and can rack up quite the vet bill from falls and eating things they shouldn't. :)

Less JD and more coke next time for him then!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Actually, we always have to take his head out of our gin and tonic glasses, so we guess that that is his favourite :lol:

Choco, your kitty sounds so cute! They really are a source of entertainment :D

I was so sad when reading about the poor tabby that was found dead outside his home in Jumeirah. Someone shot him with an air pellet gun. Hopefully the bastard will be caught, but I don't know what kind of punishment Dubai gives out for animal abuse. (Is there punishment for that?)

People, please keep your cats indoors, in your backyard, or on your balcony! They should also have a collar with a valid municipality tag. Letting your cats roam means they can get hit by a car, or mistreated because some people will consider them as strays (a.k.a "vermin" according to some heartless people).
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 18, 2006
thats the cat that walked into our it was hard to give her up!

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Apr 18, 2006
So cuutttee!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 18, 2006
can you see the image...i cant...hmm...strage...tried cutting and posting it...
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Apr 18, 2006
I cut and paste the link into my browser. A black and white long-haired guy - so beautiful!
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Apr 18, 2006
yeah "she" is beautiful...maxine...very well behaved too...bit spoilt about fish v/s wet i gotta stop...sound too much like a proud pap...
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Apr 18, 2006
We totally spoil our kitty. Hubby and I take more pics of our cat than we do of each other, and we walk him almost every evening, and play with him, and I just made him a personalised food bowl :)
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Apr 18, 2006
Did you read the letter about someone in Mirdiff you saw three blokes just dumb a German Shepard? They didn't want it anymore so just turfed it out the boot of the car and left it in the road. It had been starved and beaten - I don't understand people like this, how can you treat an animal so appallingly.
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