We are currently in the process of moving to Dubai from the UK (hoping to be there in August) and are frantically trying to find a good school for our twin 6 year old boys for September 2013. One of our boys is due to have an assessment by an educational psychologist this month at his current school in UK as he has some concentration issues and we anticipate he will need some individual/ special needs /learning support in the classroom. I've contacted a few schools in Dubai and they have hinted at having a limited Individual needs dept!

So as well as the first issue that its almost impossible to get a place in most good schools; I'm also at my wits end about finding a school that will accommodate his needs and on top of this I really need to get them both into the same school as splitting them with make things much worse with too much change for them

Please please could anyone provide ANY tips, advice or guidance as to which schools have good provision for individual/ special needs? And how to best approach this and the schools?
Any help and advice will be much appreciated.
