Any suggestions (except chardoney...)
you don't want to be having Chardonnay for breakfast Ambassador, that wouldn't be very healthy now would it?
Try a sparkling white wine with equal amounts of fresh orange juice, delicious served very cold.
I'm a porridge eater in the winter. I like it made with half semi skimmed milk and half water, with a touch of sea salt. When it's ready I pour cold milk over it, but never add any sugar.
In the summer, I revert back to Weetabix, two, with very cold semi skimmed milk.
At the weekend I sometimes have a slice of toast, with butter and Marmite. The toast has to be left standing, I don't like it hot, nor cold. if it's hot the butter runs away and I hate it when it runs down my arm. If the toast is cold then it goes hard. It has to be real butter, I don't do this spreadable tastes just like butter rubbish, because it doesn't.
When I'm in JBR, I have been known to meet my friend for breakfast at Le Pain (I can't spell the rest) on the Walk. I have a cheese omelette with cold orange juice and black coffee. Now that's a real treat.

-- Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:48 pm --
Dillon wrote:A pair of Kippers, gently grilled for a few minutes either side and served with generous knob of butter on top, the bones are a bit fiddly but well worth the effort.
Finnan Haddock fillets poached in milk served topped with a poached egg, thicken the milk after poaching the fish and egg with a roux for a thin consistency sauce.
Another favourite is Smoked Haddock Kedgeree, Mmmm I know what’s on the menu for breakfast in the Dillon household this weekend!
If you ever find yourself near Whitby in the UK, Fortunes is the place for traditional oak smoked fish and well worth a visit, if you like smoked fish that is!

I hope you don't live in JBR Dillon! Think of the neighbours, they won't want your kippers floating round the bedroom.