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tracking the sched fast? Apr 16, 2006
oooops cant be out there!!! until next month !miss the whole part, though keep up ORGANIZERS just give us updates and echo what has been transpired ....ok!

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Apr 16, 2006
Okay, so where are we supposed to look for new details about a DF meet-up? This thread is getting long... How about starting a new thread when the plans are finalised? I hope to come, but can't make it if it is this Friday.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 16, 2006
you guys spend way too much time in here
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Apr 16, 2006
Well, I'm waiting for a programme to download. :?
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Apr 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:Well, I'm waiting for a programme to download. :?

What in Easter's name are talking about :? :? :?
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Apr 16, 2006
Staying online wasting time while waiting for a programme to finish downloading. :lol:
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Apr 16, 2006
I can't believe my eyes i posted a reply then pressed refresh i found 2 replys and then while i'm writing another one i found 2 other u guys must find something else to do :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Apr 16, 2006
Intimacy wrote:
fayz wrote:At the end of the day if two people meet it is a success, good on you for trying. The 'tude you have been getting from some senior members isn't called for. There are many good people here and I’m sure some are very appreciative of your efforts.

hmmm.. Fayz .. i think after the last friday's trip.. we need someone we could count on for such gatherings :D

Maan.. i am still sleepy since that time.

Well, i have no problem to arrange something with "Fayz Habibi" and the other folks of course like Wafaey. but we need to hae the proper timing which goes fine for everyone. for this weekend, i dont think it will be possible. but sure the next weekend would be perfect. maybe to Hatta again ?! :lol:

intimacy/liban/fayz...hope we are not led by another "antenna" head" :lol: you guys doing...i am up for BBQ at my place if you casa...
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Apr 16, 2006
Liban wrote:Hatta was aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeesome!!!!!

Hows the Pathfinder Intimacy? That mountain road sure gave it a beating!!!!

Dune bashing was soooooooooooo coool!!!!!

Dude.. i went back home and i just crush on my bed after a very qucik shower.

My baby "The pathfinder" is good .. yesterday it was a pampering day. i still can picture our good friend when he was stuck on the dune.. that was freakin cool :D

Well.. its so sweet to have all of you on one place... but not the Antenna Guy :lol:
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Apr 16, 2006
thanks again dude...for such a great experiance...and taking good care of us...and especially pulling us out of all the potentially flip situations...can't wait for the next off road experiance!!...
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Apr 16, 2006
Who is antenna guy?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 16, 2006
constantine wrote:intimacy/liban/fayz...hope we are not led by another "antenna" head" :lol: you guys doing...i am up for BBQ at my place if you casa...

Hey mate... although what we had gone thru the other day.. but it really was fun and you.. that made or brotherhodd stonger :)

My hands and legs are full of cuts.. but its ok.. i am used to it :) hope you camping night was good.

the antenna guy was back home safe?!!!!! ohh thank God. :lol: :lol:

Anyhow..for the BBQ its a lovely idea ... well for me its fine.. i dont know about the other guys? :)
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Apr 16, 2006
constantine wrote:intimacy
thanks again dude...for such a great experiance...and taking good care of us...and especially pulling us out of all the potentially flip situations...can't wait for the next off road experiance!!...

Bro, you are most welcome.. i would be happy to see you all again :)
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Apr 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:Who is antenna guy?

Kaneli.. believe me .. you dont wana know .. whahahahaha
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Apr 16, 2006
Can anyone tell me why my topics have quiet a long threads :P :P :P
Count me in the next anything you guys are planning to do.
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Apr 16, 2006
I thought you were going to say that you guys were visited by aliens while out on your desert camp evening :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:I thought you were going to say that you guys were visited by aliens while out on your desert camp evening :lol:

LOL ET phone home
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Apr 16, 2006
antenna guy= a guy i work with= aquaintance = person with the weirdest haircut you've ever seen....shouldnt say anymore...not bitchy by nature :lol:
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Apr 16, 2006
Cool picture in the times square Cost
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Apr 16, 2006

well done man :lol:
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Apr 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:I thought you were going to say that you guys were visited by aliens while out on your desert camp evening :lol:

Kaneli.. yes.. he is an alien according to the way he was acting..we could hear the: ezeet eezeeeettt :lol:
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Apr 16, 2006
Well best keept the guy away from any overhead power lines, just in case... :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Apr 16, 2006
kanelli wrote:I thought you were going to say that you guys were visited by aliens while out on your desert camp evening :lol:

Nah no aliens, just a group of homely Italians hehehehe.

It was a blast, the best part was being at a 60 degree angle sideways with our Singaporean friend, You have to love getting out of the city, you realize just how helpful and friendly people are.

All was good and Const. thanks for the invite, as for Antenna boy, man the guy tried, somebody needed to take charge, he did the best he could, at the end of the day we all had a blast, no need to sweat anything else.
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Apr 16, 2006
Fayz is the man to count on people..
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Apr 16, 2006
fayz wrote:
kanelli wrote:I thought you were going to say that you guys were visited by aliens while out on your desert camp evening :lol:

Nah no aliens, just a group of homely Italians hehehehe.

Little green men eating pasta?

K? Relatives of yours?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Apr 16, 2006
They were naked :)
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Apr 16, 2006
Liban wrote:They were naked :)

This gets more and more tell!


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Apr 16, 2006
Wafaey wrote:Cool picture in the times square Cost

thanks dude....fayz yeah me flatmate was in a tough spot...but i think it was a great learning experiance...and he cant wait to off road again!!...anyways i think we should come back to the topic at hand...which is wafaey trying to organize a forum i was saying earlier on...if you want something cheap and cheerful..i can hold it at me villa...BYOB...BBQ...and movies on me projector...
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Apr 16, 2006
Dubai Knight wrote:
Liban wrote:They were naked :)

This gets more and more tell!



Well I was pissing at one point in the mountains and I looked over my shoulders and saw them. The men were all topless and there was at least one topless woman.

Bottom was not naked from my vantage point.

Suffice it to say, I am bringing binoculars the next time I go off like this :P
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Apr 16, 2006
Liban wrote:there was at least one topless woman.

Libaaaaaan, why u didnt say so since the begining :evil:
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