If you need any informations for preparing your trip in Paris, you can check my blog : http://kantanfrance.vox.com/
Feel free to contact me I'll help you with pleasure

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SiciloBylka94 wrote:If anyone wants to come to paris, I'd be happy to help, I'm 19 lived 4 years in california and the rest of my life in or around paris. I know everything there is to know about this city. Also, the eiffel tower and the left bank's nice and all but I know a much better spot on the right bank, it's the highest spot you can see all of paris, it's really romantic especially at night about 9 or 10pm.
SiciloBylka94 wrote:Yes Sacre Coeur.
Pigalle is not very dangerous because all the mafioso's are around there. The dangerous parts of Paris are Stalingrad, La goutte d'or, riquet, crimée, 19th, 20th district. Now I'm not a tourist... maybe for tourists it's dangerous. The dangerous ones aren't thugs but drug addicts. They'll knife you for 1 euro. Some tips for you all coming to Paris:
- Don't stare at youngsters
- If you get robbed don't try to be the tough guy, I've seen more than one doing and that and ending up really bad.
- Don't go around the northern and eastern parts of Paris with luxurious items.
- Don't go in the suburbs, it's not brasil but it's not heaven.
Now it's only tips, do what you want but I know Paris very well as well as the suburbs, I live in them, south suburbs Val-De-Marne. Usually you never get attacked for nothing, it's maybe because you provoked first (by staring for example).
But Paris is not Brasil, no need to be scared to death either, just be cautious.
alisonwhite wrote:Can anyone help me out here..
Where to visit in Paris & things to do..? help..!!! Tks all... =)