Where Can You Buy A Cat In Dubai

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Where can you buy a cat in Dubai Jul 10, 2013
Hi everybody I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good place from which you can buy a cat or kitten. Preferably a pure bred rather than a stray or adopted cat because we're new to having cats and I've heard that strays and adopted cats can be quite hard to create a bond with or get used to. Also the advantage of a pedigree is that you can predict its personality to am extent. I've looked up shops on the Internet and found one called pets habitat which was good but it gave kittens at a far too high price. Anything over 1000aed is too expensive I think. I'm looking for a similar shop but less overpriced. Also people who live with a cat please feel free to suggest where you got it from.

Thanks in advance :mrgreen:

--- Jul 10, 2013 ---

--- Jul 10, 2013 ---

--- Jul 10, 2013 ---

UAE, Dubai Forum starter
Posts: 1

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Re: Where Can You Buy A Cat In Dubai Jul 11, 2013
I have no idea no this.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 7

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