... lmonds/63/
Almonds are healthy nuts loaded with lots of essential nutrients. Almonds eaten raw or fried, tastes good. It is an ingredient used in various snacks and sweets to enhance its nutritional value. There are various claims on health benefits of almonds. It is said almonds are beneficial for proper development of brain and for improved complexion as well as for healthy hair.
There are various proven benefits of almonds in our daily life. It is the best natural fat burning food. Therefore it is used for losing weight naturally as it has good fiber content. In addition to this, more fiber content helps in proper digestion as well as increases energy level. We can also find various evidences of almonds health benefits in maintain cholesterol level. Munching of almonds instead of some unhealthy snacks helps in reducing excess fat accumulated around your waist.
Benefits of almonds are also marked as to improve skin and hair texture. Vitamin B contents in almonds promote healthy growth of hair as well as nails. It also moisturizes skin therefore it is also used as natural scrub. Almond oil mixed with honey and lemon juice is used as face mask once in a week to improve skin texture. Almond oil is also used as skin moisturizer to make the skin glow. Almond oil is also a good hair conditioner and prevents hair fall, split ends and breakage as it moisturizes the scalp.
-- Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:42 am --
can anyone comment on this list as well?
unfortunately the worst list looks prettier than the best ( as a total

1. Artery Crust
2. Triple Bypass
3. Salt's On!
4. Tortilla Terror
5. Factory Reject
6. Burial Grands
7. Transgression
8. Starbucks on Steroids
9. Extreme Ice Cream
10. Stone Cold
1. Sweet Potatoes
2. Mangoes
3. Unsweetened Greek Yogurt
4. Broccoli
5. Wild Salmon
6. Crispbreads
7. Garbanzo Beans
bulgur, or other whole grains.
8. Watermelon
9. Butternut Squash
10. Leafy Greens