I mean the mattress that you sleep on

I was reminded of this by a friend today. Him and his wife are not on talking terms since a few days, and it is all because of the lowly mattress.
I never gave this part of my furniture much thought.
When I was little my grandma made her own mattresses! She had vast fields of cotton crops, and some of those she used for hers, and our mattresses. She had lots of slaves (i.e lowly paid servants, just like Dubai

When I went to England, I worked at jobs that sucked our blood and then screwed us, but they provided "free and furnished accommodation", with some lovely mattresses thrown in.
Then I moved to Dubai. Here, life was even kinder. I was given a "furniture allowance" that looked like a small fortune to us. We even considered whether we should just do a runner after collecting our furniture allowance, and spent a couple of weeks sleeping on the bare carpets in air-conditioned luxury on the 40th floor! Better sense prevailed,however, and we had many good sleeps in Dubai.....

In N America, I came face to face with the prospect of buying a mattress for the first time in my life, using my own real money! It cost an arm and a leg!
It was unbelievable.
So, I settled for a $400/ one, but I soon discovered that it had a strong mind of its own when it bent in all directions and I woke up with a slight back-ache every morning.
Finally I bought a bed and a mattress for the cost of a mid-sized family saloon car. To cut a long story short, I was given a lecture on how to "care for my new mattress"!
You are supposed to flip it every six months, from end to end, side to side, and upside down.
My friend apparently followed this advice, and six months after buying his mattress, flipped it!
That was his undoing. He is twice the size of his wife, and his wife told him that after the flip, she fell into "the crater" on his side of the mattress. The flip didnt last long. Only about 24 hours, when it was reversed.
But they are not talking to each other now.
Have you ever flipped your mattress??