Investor Urgently Needed, Great Quick Investment Opportunity

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Investor Urgently Needed, Great Quick Investment Opportunity Apr 29, 2013
I have a short term business proposition you may be interested in.

I have four shipping containers of office and home appliances which are currently in Dubai.

I am currently in Dubai. I was in a serious car accident and was robbed. I invested everything, including my house into my merchandise and am now unable to pay for the necessary insurances and workers to complete my sales.

I need assistance to commence my sales and can offer you a very profitable return on your investment.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you in more detail.

Your quick response would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 5
Location: Dubai

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Re: Investor Urgently Needed, Great Quick Investment Opportu Apr 29, 2013
Smells like a scam to me, mate?
Dubai Forum Guest
Posts: 4
Location: JVC

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Re: Investor Urgently Needed, Great Quick Investment Opportu Apr 30, 2013
All proof, paperwork and merchandise can be viewed.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
Posts: 5
Location: Dubai

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