Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List?

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Why isnot the Dubai marathon on the AIMS list? Jan 22, 2013
Coming weekend the Dubai marathon is coming up. It is a gold label (the highest category) IAAF marathon:


However, I noticed something weird, it isnot on the AIMS list. AIMS is the organisation that measures the course and works together with the IAAF. Only marathons on the AIMS list are officialy measured and accredited.



Does anybody in here maybe know why the Dubai marathon is not on the AIMS list?

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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 23, 2013
I was waiting for someone to answer your post FD because I don't know. I googled it and competitors have to abide by those rules but that's about all I could find.

Are you a runner? If you're not taking part in the Dubai marathon, do you intend to take part in it next year? The weather is definately cool enough at this time of the year.
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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 23, 2013
BMreformed wrote:If you're not taking part in the Dubai marathon, do you intend to take part in it next year? The weather is definately cool enough at this time of the year.

It is something I am considering for next year. It would be great to run in Dubai and it is a fast course with fast times...but...

-It doesnot involve running on SZR, which would be a big plus.
-The course doesnot look attracktive, more than half of it is running up and down Jumeirah Beach Road.
-End of October is the Amsterdam marathon (also gold label :-) ). The Dubai marathon might be too soon after that.
- And I would like an explanation why the marathon isnot on the AIMS list.
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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 24, 2013
How long do you need to recover between marathons FD? Injuries aside that is!
I think the NY marathon would be the best for the view. That is if you take in the view when you are half dead :?
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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 24, 2013
BMreformed wrote:How long do you need to recover between marathons FD?

After a marathon usually 4 to 6 weeks of resting. After 2 to 3 months you are back at your previous level. Taking into consideration that before a marathon you take 2 to 3 weeks of relative rest, a gap of 3 months is very short between marathons.
Also, it is recommended not to do more than 2 marathons within a year. A marathon is a real assualt on your physical system.
This spring I have a marathon, and of course in October Amsterdam. I am soooo much looking forward to Amsterdam, it is going to be fantastic and poetic. Although I have a marathon in a few months, my main goal is Amsterdam. Right now, I am considering stopping with marathons after Amsterdam. Although it is a great experience, you have to give up a lot: freetime, almost no alcohol, only healthy food, going to bed early, etc. This week I am giving my legs a rest (after 3 weeks of intensive training), but there is skating on the lakes, which I cannot do now, because my legs have to rest. I hope this weekend I can skate, if only for a little while. It pains me, to see them skate every day and I cannot.
But like I said I am still looking at Dubai. If not the marathon, I can always register for the 10k. It would be a great experience too!

BMreformed wrote:Injuries aside that is!

Which is my main worry. Years back I had a serious knee injury which took me out of running for at least half a year. Every time I feel something in my knee, I get worried. It is a fine balancing act, you have to hurt your muscles in order for them to develop, but you have to prevent too much damage, which can lead to injuries. After the weekend training, I had little pains in my right calf and left knee (I donot feel it anymore for two days now), lets see how it goes coming weekend after 6 to 7 days of rest.

I think the NY marathon would be the best for the view. That is if you take in the view when you are half dead :?

The NY marathon, is the only marathon that I am aware of that has a waiting list. After the Sandy storm, this waiting list only got bigger, so expect to have to wait 3 to 4 years, before you can start.
In general I only like to run in cities/places that make me feel good. The Hague, Tel-Aviv, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and of course Dubai. My fitness school is next to a mosque and some also come to the fitness school, so sometimes I try to challenge the Turkish members for the Istanbul marathon. That would be great too, the only marathon on two continents, and I like Istanbul. But, it is only one month after Amsterdam...
But, the NY marathon is THE marathon, and only for the challenge I would like to run it, but I am afraid it will not be possible the coming years.
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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 28, 2013
Did you hear any reports from the Dubai marathon FD? I haven't as yet but I did see a report previous to the race. It was organised by an English man from Newcastle-Upon -Tyne who also organises the Great North Run in Newcastle.
The race had 2 and a half thousand entrants for the marathon, ten thousand for the 10k and a limited number of 2 and a half thousand for the 3k. The race is also the richest in the world by ofering $1,000,000 to the runner who breaks the record for the marathon. That would make you jog on, wouldn't it!!

Going back to the recovery rate for running a marathon, have you heard of Eddie Izzard? He's a cross dressing British comedian who ran 43 marathons in 51 days for Sports Relief. He must be mad.

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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 28, 2013
BMreformed wrote:Did you hear any reports from the Dubai marathon FD?

I checked the channels, but couldnot find a broadcast. Which is a little bit strange, because gold label marathons are supposed to have international broadcast coverage. But I might have missed something. I did check the results, and the Kenians and Ethiopians ruled the marathon. Who would have expected that? :-p

The race had 2 and a half thousand entrants for the marathon

That is a low number.

The race is also the richest in the world

The registration fee is also the highest I have seen...$125, or was it $120?

Going back to the recovery rate for running a marathon, have you heard of Eddie Izzard?

I know him from the Star Wars sketch. I think he is very funny! :-)

He's a cross dressing British comedian

Does he cross dress on week days, or only in the weekend?

who ran 43 marathons in 51 days for Sports Relief.


I am speechles! stunned!

He must be mad.

It is amazing!
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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 28, 2013
I think Eddie Izzard wanders around London dressed as a woman any time he fancies it FD, but he is completely hetrosexual, so I've heard.

On another point, do you get blisters on your feet (chaffing is another point all together :D ) when you run? I watched the Australian Open Final yesterday betwwen Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic and Andy got some terrible blisters about half way through the match. He took his shoe off and the camera panned in on his foot. His trainer cut his blisters open and put some yellow stuff on them, the camera went back to his face and registered the agony he must have felt. His trainer then bandaged his toes up and covered the bottom of his foot and bandaged thar too! How he managed to bend his foot, never mind play on was some feat.

I'm not a fan of Andy but I had to admire him for that. I moan if I get one blister from my flip flops in Dubai.

Anyway, he lost in the end and the best player won. I wouldn't want to see Andy's feet today :(
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Re: Why Isnot The Dubai Marathon On The AIMS List? Jan 29, 2013
BMreformed wrote:I think Eddie Izzard wanders around London dressed as a woman any time he fancies it FD, but he is completely hetrosexual, so I've heard.

I am humbled by the man (because of his running abilities that is).

On another point, do you get blisters on your feet (chaffing is another point all together :D ) when you run?

No. I do get blisters when I play squash, but not with running
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Re: Why isnot the Dubai marathon on the AIMS list? Apr 30, 2013
I read a articel on facebook about " New cycle tracks in Dubai: RTA planning cycling routes for 11 neighbourhoods " so loved it you people also should read that HERE facebook dott comm /alifca
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