i'm not sure what health supplements i'll be able to bring hassle-free. i keep reading differing advice - some who say it probably won't be an issue, chances are you won't get searched...then people who tell stories that illustrate how you can get arrested for any "drug" you have no prescription for (along with a doctor's note that can be officially "attested"). i'm kind of a 'better-safe-than-sorry' kinda person. so id' like to know exactly what to do to be safe bringing what i need to get by and be healthy in dubai! or where i can buy it once there.
now, nothing i take is unnatural or pharmaceutical at all, but i don't know how Dubai Customs might respond IF they open my bag and see that i've brought (the allowed amount for prescription drugs) of 3 months supply of these items (all factory-sealed):
SAM-e (naturally occurring in the human body, an effective supplement for depression, brain function, joint & liver health)
these come in foil packets inside the box, you have to pop out one by one.
Chlorella - green algae in tablet form, good for everything
Chinese Herbal Teapills - Free & Easy Wanderer (or Plus) for mood, PMS, liver, etc. and Pe Min Kan Wan - for my perennial allergic rhinitis
so, here's the other thing. i was prescribed the Chinese herbs and will bring that prescription, i'll have to go back and get another copy) but otherwise, i don't have a doctor or way of getting prescriptions for the other 2 - if necessary.
can i bring print-outs explaining what they are? they are 100% natural - would they just be considered foods as they are?
how are vitamins regarded? gotta have my b-complex too!
and if it's risky to bring them, does anyone know if these can be purchased there? and if so, where? and wouldn't it be cheaper to bring as much as i can anyway? aren't supplements more expensive there? (i just checked on my herbs at a chinese medicine center and they only have ONE of my formulas. a bottle of which lasting 10 days will cost me $85 there!)
or if you can you order these kinds of products online and have them mailed to you (your p.o. box as i understand)? are there any companies (i.e. amazon) that ship health supplements to dubai?)
i feel a bit silly asking about such things coming from the california where everyone supplements regularly with everything under the sun that will help with detox, anti-aging, mood, etc.. i've travelled a lot, but have never dealt with such concerns, so i don't know if i'm overreacting from what i've heard, or not.
but i've been reading about all these horror stories about people getting arrested for bringing in melatonin (also made by your own brain!) or having codeine in their system! - obviously not natural, but i mean come on! and how would they find out what was in her system anyway?
can you not even bring things like advil? or sudafed?
really appreciate any info folks have
