The Kite Runner

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The Kite Runner Mar 01, 2013
I saw The Kite Runner for the first time on MBC2 today. Good movie but I thought that they could have made it a bit more dramatic if Hassan had been raped.
So I googled to see what other people thought, and wouldn't you know it, yes he was raped but the entire scene had been cut out by local censors.
I haven't seen the scene myself, but I can't imagine that there was any nudity, and feel that the local censors could have left enough of it uncut to at least imply that he had been raped.
This makes me even more convinced that it a taboo subject that is quite common.
The same subject has popped up in media just last week with the Afghan police general claiming that he can't stop tea boys being raped by his police because they enjoy it. I don't doubt him, but isn't it strange that he feels because the boys are not being raped, everything is hunky dory??? This is a (relatively) educated man.

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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
I can't comment on the film, Ben, as I haven't seen it, but I did see the report of the Afghan tea boys. A very disturbing case of child abuse.

Rape is defiantly a taboo subject in the ME. I did read a case of an Emirati being convicted of rape of an Iranian woman in the National today. The convicted rapist was not named.
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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
Anyone interested in this topic, would do well to go through this :

You need a strong stomach to read that. Briefly, this is a practice that has been in Afghanistan since very ancient times. Afghanistan has hardly made any progress towards 21st century practices of "Poeples' rights". This is mainly because it has been used for centuries by outside powers for their own purposes, but nobody had any interest IN Afghanistan because it has no resources such as oil.

It is a very sad story indeed. I am glad The Kite Runner (a wonderful book too written by an Afghan) has highlighted this. Hopefully someone will take notice??
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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
BM, yes rape (of women) is viewed differently here because they are still playing catch-up. Hopefully it will be better addressed as Dubai evolves.

Thanks for the link Jonkers. But pedophilia is also something that seems to be getting dealt with better in modern society.

The movie actually involved teenage boys raping a younger boy, but as a form of bullying rather than sexual pleasure. This is what I have trouble getting my head around and it blurs the western definition of homosexual. It is something that I believe is also common in certain Dubai schools and the Kite Runner movie indicates that it is more widespread.
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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
Interesting read ... -the-side/

--- Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:48 am --- ... bacha-bazi

--- Sat Mar 02, 2013 11:58 am ---

In the last article they sound like people of Lot: ... e_in_Islam

Truely sad, I hope something is done about it.
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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
Nucleus, since you brought religion into it, Muhammed the examplar also had something with little boyz.

52:24 There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.

76:19 There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.

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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
FlyingDutchman wrote:Nucleus, since you brought religion into it, Muhammed the examplar also had something with little boyz.
He had no little boys in his whole life.
FlyingDutchman wrote:52:24 There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected.
Where it says anything about sex? Gilma-nun literally means young males. Verse is talking about young male servants whom God has created to serve the people in paradise.
FlyingDutchman wrote:76:19 There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.
Same thing there.
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Re: The Kite Runner Mar 02, 2013
benwj ,

One has to understand the cultural background. Somehow, the positive, or sodomizing partner (with all due apologies for the crudeness of my language) is considered as the macho man to be looked up to in social circles, where as the stigma and humiliation is attached to the one sodomized.

So you have to look at this from 2 different angles: one is the pure pleasure seeking activity indulged in any where between 2 consenting adults, but the other one is to attain a sort of a superior standing in one's social circles and that is the horrifying thing where boys are vulnerable to all the pressures and are made to do this against their will.
That is what you might be referring to when you say this activity happens in schools; to bully and humiliate, and then taunt later.
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