Isn't there always one? Even in Life? Wish there were not that many 'forks in the road'. Sometimes we take the wrong one! Sometimes, that one just turns out to be the one that really mattered. Has that ever happened to you?
But I digress:
At this fork was a house in which lived two brothers. The unusual thing about these two was that one of the brothers was a liar;and I mean a LIAR: dont expect him to give you the right answer to any question that you put to him. While the other brother was an angel descended on earth. Without the wings of course! He never, ever told a lie!
And the fork in the road? One road leads to Dubai, let us say, and the other to Abu Dhabi.
And there is this traveller wanting to reach Dubai in a hurry. He has to meet someone there that he has been longing to see for a very long while. And he does not know the way to Dubai.
Now here is the problem. He has to ask for directions from the occupants of the house, one of the two brothers. He is allowed only one question, from which he works out the correct direction to take. As he knocks on the door of the house, he does not know which brother it is that answers, the liar or the angel.
And he is soon on the road to Dubai.
What was the question? How did he do it?