They were angry and upset.
There were long delays, and hassles, and all because of........a suitcase on the railway tracks! An unattended lone suitcase, lying on the rails. Taunting everyone.
The police were called, and of course, things have to be done properly in this day and age when such things happen.
In the good old days, you would have just picked the suitcase and set it aside. Now? The area was cordoned off; traffic was diverted; trains were stopped altogether and re-scheduled. The words "suspicious object" was on everyone's lips, as the suitcase mocked them in the lightly falling rain. It was photographed from all angles, powerful zoom lenses were used, the latest infra-red sensors went to work trying to fathom out the fingerprint of what could possibly be inside.
Then the sniffer dogs came.
It was discovered that it was a lady's suitcase, with ladies' things inside. Nothing more than that

Dubai is so lucky not to have trains, methinks