Lately it has been a dry spell, so I was listening to the local channel on the car radio, and I heard that Beonce (hope I spelt it right) has done an advertisement deal with PepsiCola.........for US$50 million! Yes, she will appear on the boring old soda can now, and will literally be the face of Pepsi!! She already has a net-worth of US$775 million.
Check it all out here: ... 66&bih=667
This got me thinking. What has Beonce got in common with Pepsi?
I've never once thought of Beonce as I reached for the austere Pepsi can and started chugging from it to assuage my thirsty palate. I mean if I like Pepsi, I like Pepsi, Beonce or no Beonce.........but then maybe not.
I shall be monitoring myself closely in the coming days

If someone likes Rashers and Bangers, do you think his/her choice is going to be affected by associating, say Cheryl Cole with it, to make them eat more of it?
Do you think Beonce's affiliation is going to drive lots of thirsty people to Pepsi now?