TROP Hits 20,000 - Interview With Owner

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TROP hits 20,000 - interview with owner Dec 05, 2012
A website tracking terrorism since 2002 has reached a grim mildstone.

Operator/owner of TROP, Glen Roberts, speaks about his reasons why he began a website compiling macabre events:

The purpose of the website, according to operator Glen Roberts, a pseudonym, is to put the level of violence being inflicted by Muslims in perspective.

“I started watching [the Council on American-Islamic Relations] in the months after 9/11,” said Roberts, “and I was astonished by the self-absorption. Each day people are maimed and killed explicitly in the name of Islam while this organization complains about headscarves and hurt feelings.

“I thought,” he said, “that maybe if I started documenting the violence, it would inspire a sense of moral perspective on their part.

“I was wrong, of course.” ... since-911/

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Re: TROP Hits 20,000 - Interview With Owner Dec 09, 2012
Any conduct under the name of insurgency , is legal.
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Re: TROP Hits 20,000 - Interview With Owner Dec 14, 2012
mesheditor wrote:Any conduct under the name of insurgency , is legal.

So the following is 'legal'?

Taliban suicide bombers besieged a Pakistani police station on Monday, killing six people near the militant stronghold of North Waziristan that borders Afghanistan, officials said.Militants heavily armed with suicide vests, guns, grenades and rockets raided the police station in Kaki, 13 kilometres (eight miles) southwest of Bannu town which lies close to Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal region.

Two of them blew themselves up during the clashes but a third managed to escape, the officials told AFP. ... ills-.aspx

I can understand supporting the Pakistani Taliban in their war for liberation against the Pakistani government (similar to Syria) but that hardly means their actions are 'legal'.
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