I hate wind, it really scares me. Watching the pictures of the storm hitting the Eastern sea board of the US reminded me of some really bad weather we once suffered in Germany.
We owned a lovely 18ft caravan which we took all over the continent on holiday. We were coming back over the Brenner Pass from Italy when the winds got up and it started to rain. We should have pulled over but my husband new best and we carried on. There was a huge gust and the caravan blew over, luckily the car didn't. We blocked the autobahn and the kids hoped we'd be on TV. We weren't. The caravan was pulled up by some recovery people and the Police moved us on. It was a mess. Scary.
Hopefully the storm over the US will blow itself out soon and everyone will get back to normal without too much death and destruction!
Have you ever been in adverse weather conditions?