The UK is shocked by the Savile-scandal. He abused children. What is more shocking IMO, is that more stories come out that many around him stayed quite and even activily helped him.
Never stop thinking for yourself!There are many weirdo's around!
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BMreformed wrote:may be the abused want recognition for all they went through at his hands.
FlyingDutchman wrote:Half a year ago, I remember a man in a very small Dutch vilage was charged with child abuse. It appeared most of the village people (including parents of the abused) knew about it, and did nothing.
Zubber?? Better start those almonds now BMR!!BMreformed wrote:He didn't work for the NHS, Zubber,
Frequentflier wrote:BMreformed ,Zubber?? Better start those almonds now BMR!!BMreformed wrote:He didn't work for the NHS, Zubber,
themanjad21 wrote:This ising in my opinion, he should have been caught years ago.