My Memory.

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My Memory. Oct 29, 2012
I'm starting to worry about my memory.
I sometimes want a word and my mind goes completely blank. I'm not sure whether its an age thing or whether I've killed too many brain cells with Chardonnay. I've asked my friends at work and some are just like me. One of my friends husband is sick of her saying 'thingy, you know! Thingy' He has no idea what she's on about.

I was a bit embarrassed at work on Friday afternoon. There were 3 of us left and the other 2 had their coats on to leave. Bye BM said Katie (she didn't actually call me BM), bye Katie, said me.
Bye BM said Sheila. I looked up to say bye to Sheila and could I think of her name? 'Bye...' Says me. 'See you Monday...'
I've only worked with her for 10 years.

Anyone else admitting to a failing memory? And any tips for improving mine?

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Re: My Memory. Oct 29, 2012
I never had an agenda, it was all in my head, but recently I acquired one.
Keep practicing your memory/brain. You can do this with games. Reading is also very good.
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Re: My Memory. Oct 29, 2012
Its becoming a habit with me remembering where I parked my car when I've finished my shopping!
Some time back (about 6 months ago......I think) I was in a gathering of people, and someone approached me with the widest smile imaginable. We shook hands and hugged like long lost friends: "How have you been!!!" sort of thing. But I drew a total blank!

Good and healthy eating habits and regular moderate exercise is key I've been told. Nuts are good for the brain. Take at least 7 almonds a day. Cut down on alcohol, and yes exercise the brain! Do maths. Start playing chess! I can teach you the moves if you want :D
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Re: My Memory. Oct 30, 2012
I exercise my brain for a full 8 hours a day. I think I've overloaded it and now can't retain anything. I've taken to going through my range of offspring before I get to Beth's name :cry:

I don't mind giving the almonds a go as long as they don't give me wind. I may forget I'm not alone.
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