It's Your Foreign Policy, Stupid

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It's your foreign policy, stupid Oct 26, 2012
Those paying attention to Christopher Hitchens would have known this:

But apparently a dozen extremists in the UK thought the public needed a reminder (actually, they were taped explaining why they hate and should kill, funny that):
The leader of alleged suicide bomb plot said non-believers deserved to be attacked because they “have s.ex like donkeys”, orgies and took drugs, a court heard.


The al-Qaeda inspired gang is accused of plotting to use eight suicide bombers detonating rucksacks packed with explosives in crowded places to cause “mass death” and carnage on the streets of Britain.

Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, all unemployed from Birmingham, are the alleged “senior members” of the group and were among 12 people arrested and charged last year.


Naseer, a trained chemist and alleged ringleader, was secretly recorded by the police trying to justify the plot.

He said: “You know the main thing is bro all this world is **** bro, you like know what it is the only thing which is good yeah, is Allah’s Deen (faith).”

Criticising others, he went on: “They wanna you know have s.ex like donkeys on the street, they wanna club, act like animals and why shouldn’t we terrorise them, tell me that?” ... ... eader.html

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Re: It's Your Foreign Policy, Stupid Oct 26, 2012
We have also seen vids of imaams on DF posted saying we (the west) are a dispicable society and those who like to look at women are less than human.
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Re: It's Your Foreign Policy, Stupid Oct 26, 2012
Clearly this attempt to re-create a 9/11 (in the words of the terrorists) was motivated by the supposed sinful nature of the British people - not 'foreign policy'.

How will this attempted attack be spun by the Left - or will it simply be ignored?

*crickets* ?
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