Islamophobic President Prays For Destruction Of Muslims

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Islamophobic President prays for destruction of Muslims Oct 21, 2012
Christian extremists in the United States pray for the destruction of Muslims at church - including the President!

Wonder why the media isn't carrying this story?

Following are excerpts from a sermon delivered by American pastor Greg Smith, Head of Religious Endowment, in the presence of former American President Bush. The sermon aired on American satellite channel 1 on October 19, 2012.

Greg Smith: [...] Oh Lord, absolve us of our sins, strengthen us, and grant us victory over the infidels. Oh Lord, destroy the Jews and their supporters. Oh Lord, disperse them, rend them asunder. Oh Lord, demonstrate Your might and greatness upon them. Show us Your omnipotence, oh Lord....

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Re: Islamophobic President prays for destruction of Muslims Oct 23, 2012
rayznack wrote:Wonder why the media isn't carrying this story?

I watched some news yesterday before going to sleep, and there it was, Dutch channel 'Powned' opened with the story that "the Egyptian president prays for the endlosung". A dutch imaam was interviewed, he said he can understand the emotion behind it. Also a jewish woman was interviewed, she was disgusted and stated she wants to live as long as possible. Last, a lefty said it was without taste, but there is Freedom of Speech in Egypt.
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