What Makes Your Stomach Churn?

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What Makes Your Stomach Churn? Oct 12, 2012
I found out tonight, that in my case, it's frogs!

When I think about it, I get shivers down my spine.

I had been out tonight for half an hour and when I returned I opened my door to say hello to Alfie. Alfie is our dog who is also my avatar (pictured wearing his Man City shirt).
Alfie is always pleased to see us but I shooed him out into the garden, which was in darkness. I tried to close the door but something stopped me. I pushed it again but it wouldn't close.
I opened it to see if the door mat or something was preventing the door closing when i saw what I thought was some leaves from the trees blocking the door. As I reached down to clear the blockage, it moved :shock:
I let out a girlie scream and tried to close the door (and squashing the frog) when it put its hands (or whatever you call them ) around the door!!!


I can still see those fingers. Gulp!

I couldn't squash it and the frog had to be rescued.

Spiders I can cope with but show me a frog and I scream like a girl.

What makes your stomach churn?

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Re: What Makes Your Stomach Churn? Oct 12, 2012
BMreformed wrote:What makes your stomach churn?

First thing that comes to mind are two current collegues. As soon as one of them enters the space, my stomach turns around.

Snakes and scorpio's if you are talking about animals. Although I see the beauty of these animals, I rather see them behind glass. We once had a snake in the house. The house was full with snake traps. The snake never was caught, and must have left by itself, but for weeks I was afraid opening drawers and so on. I once was stung by a scorpio. I experienced the pain, it was very painful. I want to prevent being stung again.
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Re: What Makes Your Stomach Churn? Oct 13, 2012
Any surgical procedure shown on film/tv :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft:
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Re: What Makes Your Stomach Churn? Oct 14, 2012
Ambassador wrote:Any surgical procedure shown on film/tv :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft: :pukeleft:

I refuse to have ITVs Ugliest Bodies on my TV. They aren't just touched with the ugly stick, more like beaten with it.

I do not want to look at people's piles. Why would you want them shown on national TV?
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