kanelli wrote:What a speech! I thought Michelle Obama's words, emotions, presence, intelligence, and strength were very inspiring. For societies that don't allow women to participate in politics or vote, and who relegate their women to the domestic sphere only... this is what you are missing
What I find irrating, for an educated woman who is a lawyer, is her frequent use of the words "you know". Any interview she gives, and in her speech, many of her sentences start with "You know" and continue to be used when she speaks.
The hypocrasy is how the Obama family has spent over $10 million dollars of taxpayers money in the past four years, entertaining personal friends, shopping, flying all over taking vacations all over the world. Obama has to date played golf 104 times - a record for a first term president. He has made over 214 (I believe) appearances at fund raisers, mostly with Hollywood stars. Michelle doesn't hold a candle to Jackie Kennedy, Roslyn Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt. Those were great first ladies.
Michelle is so confident about herself and so full of trust for Barack that she has a personal ban list of women who she will not allow into the WH. Actress Kerry Washington (beautiful woman) was the most recent and must be seen as a "threat" to Michelle. Apparently Michelle thought Kerry was "flirting" with Obama. Does Obama have a roaming eye? I don't think a wife praising her husband and how wonderful her children are are enough reason to cast a vote, but there are many who probably factor that in when voting.
Did you catch Ann Romney's speech? She's another piece of work. She spoke at the RNC how she relates to the average women who have no choice and have to work and raise children. She did laundry, drove the kids to school, was up at night with them when they were sick, blah,blah,blah. That's what mothers do!!! She has never worked a day in her life so it's inconceivable that she would know what it is like to raise and family and work at the same time. It's inconceivable that she can even relate to any woman who works. The difference is that the women she was relating to aren't worth around $250 million dollars with another million in a trust fund.
She had the audacity to say in an interview that she didn't think she was "rich". What is rich to her - having more than $1 billion in wealth. Of course everyone has a lift in their McMansion to take them down to the garage.

She went on to tell about how she and Mitt lived in a basement apartment while attending college (tuition fully paid with no loans) and they had to cash in stock to survive.

Does she think that is how the average American gets through college? I'm sure it wasn't a basement apartment below street level but more of a walk in.
Two books of interest: The President's Club. This was a fraternity of sorts created by Truman for former presidents and the current president, who can seek advice from living presidents. Obama didn't get along well with the former presidents, in particular Bill Clinton. Either it had to do with his arrogance thinking that for someone who never did anything in his life knew how to be president, run a country and fix the problems, or maybe his socialist views were not in line with the surviving presidents.
I have to say that Bill Clinton gave the performance of his life at the DNC. That bugger sure can tell a great lie and is even a better actor!!! Many are hoping that he can sway Hillary to run in 2016. She's leaving the Obama administration if he gets re-elected.
Second book: Price of Politics by Bob Woodward (release date 9/11). If you recall Woodward was one of two reporters that revealed the scandal known as Watergate which caused Nixon to resign before he was impeached. Woodward is a highly respected investigative journalist and the recipient of the Pulitzer Prize. His book discusses Obama's arrogance and how he alienated the Republican party. If Obama gets 4 more years he's going to have to humble himself if he wants to get anything done. As it stands, if he doesn't get elected he will probably go down in history at the top of the list of being one of the worst US Presidents.
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... itics.html