Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs.

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Apartment where they allow big dogs. Aug 22, 2012
Hey guys. Would really appreciate any help I can get with this.

I recently adopted a German Shepherd, and was told by the watchman of my current residence that its okay to keep pets and there's another family in the building keeping a puppy. I also checked the tenancy contract and it said nothing about pets not being allowed. many days later on a second watchman saw me walking the dog out and he told me that such pets are not allowed and that I should get permission from the owner. Whom they never gave me the number for and said its not allowed and I should communicate through them but I don't get much out of them either.

Then the first watchman knocked on my door 2 nights ago telling me that other tenants are complaining about my dog. My dog is trained not to bark, at ALL. He does not make any sound or noise. He doesn't bite or scratch or anything. I simply walk him in and out, that's it. They're apparently complaining about the sight of him. Muslim families in the building act like drama queens every time I pass by. No offense to anyone but this has been my experience.. I'm walking a dog, not a lion. Get over it. No need to pass derogatory comments like "How disgusting", "What the hell is that" or gasp like there's no tomorrow and whatnot.. Immature.

Anyways, I diverted there... Now I'm walking the dog through the staircase and out of the basement so noone sees him or says anything. I live on the 8th floor, its not safe going down the staircase for me or the dog, and its really tiring coming back up.

So I'll try to get through to the owner of the building soon to get his permission to keep him, and otherwise, I want to find another apartment where its allowed to keep big pets. Preferably in JLT/Marina area. If anyone knows anything about this, I'll be very thankful if you share your knowledge.

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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Aug 22, 2012
How do you know that your dog isn't barking when you aren't home? As for dogs and Muslims - how long have you been in Dubai that you don't know the connection? Many Muslims consider dogs dirty because of how they clean themselves. (Yet I never heard a complaint about cats - go figure)

You may have a problem finding an apartment building that allows dogs. Are you renting from an apartment owner, or the owner of the building? If from someone who owns the apartment, they would be aware if pets are allowed, but didn't put it in your lease. If from the owner of the building, then you may argue that there is nothing in the lease about pets.

You may have two options: giving the dog up (which would be a shame) or rent a villa.
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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Aug 24, 2012
Paranoid, nice to see you back on DF :)

Sorry to hear about the intolerance towards your dog. In my opinion, your dog would probably thrive better if you lived in a villa instead of an apartment. I'm not sure when your lease is up, but a villa is a much better option. Are the rental prices for the Springs the same as the Marina nowadays? Perhaps it won't be much more expensive to rent there and you would still be close to the Marina area. Good luck with everything.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Aug 25, 2012
Many buildings do not allow dogs. You need written permission from your Landlord to state that he allows you to have a dog in your apartment, however, if the building regulations are such that animals are not allowedm there's not much you can do about it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Aug 30, 2012
How is your struglle with apartment going? I recently moved in, i have an Newfunland - so my proble is basicly the same. Have You found anything intersting?
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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Aug 30, 2012
As I said before, you need written permission from your land lord stating you can have pets. If the building has a 'no dog' policy, then can come and force you to get ride of the animal.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Sep 14, 2012
I couldn't keep my dog and had to find him a new home. The only way you'll be left in peace is if you stay in a villa. Good luck, Vicen.
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Re: Apartment Where They Allow Big Dogs. Sep 14, 2012
Paranoid, I'm sorry to hear that you had to find your dog a new home. :( Thanks for following up and letting people know what happened in regards to keeping a dog when renting an apartment.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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