What's Up With Some People

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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 16, 2012
Ironic ? Like Nuc said, first the veil then the hijab. But some people can't seem to see the bigger picture.

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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
shafique wrote:The guidelines about watching your drinks, socialising in groups etc point to where the actual dangers of s.exual assaults from male acquaintances actually stem from.

The hijab (and veil and nun's habit) are therefore NOT primarily to stop a woman from being s.exually assaulted. They do signal that the woman does not want to be seen as a s.exual object, but it will be the social behaviour, environment and company which will be the main factor whether a woman is more at risk of being assaulted or not.

You seem to be working on the assumption that it is primarily or even mainly about avoiding s.exual harrassment from men who can't otherwise control themselves. I think this is flawed thinking. Hijab or not, women and men following Islamic principles can avoid many of situations where these assaults take place - the principle one being Alcohol related assaults, then the social environment - whether one is alone, in a group, lost etc.
Ditto. Very clearly articulated!
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
Ignore the DM, they love to write garbage like that.

--- Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:16 am ---

Shamoosa , My problem? er YOU were the one who stated women dress a certain way to attract rich men. I don't believe that happens very much at all. You see to have a bit of an issue with the way some people dress for some reason.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
In UAE yes, they wear with purpose.

I am against half naked or almost naked wearings because it caused more problems in the world then just raping of women.
Males stopped to feel attraction by female body, they switched of ti teens, even to kids. They became pedophils.... After so much nudity on TV, internet, after pornos...they don't like females anymore, they started to like kids or even males....

In centuries when they were dreaming about female's body they wrote poems, they dreamd, imagined.... And now??? Can't you see how unsafe world became for new generations???

Can't you see that even if you are walking almost naked no one cares anymore?? It is not interesting except for few who like to change girls whenever they can.

If you feel that everyone want to be with you because you look sexy then ask yourself till when?? I ask myself as well, even I cover I can't be sure till when I can keep male today....

If we just can look more then one decade or two...if we can see impact we make on new generations of children and teens, if we can see far to know what we are causing with our careless behaviours then we would sitt and cry....

But we are not watching so far because we are epicentar of worlds for ourselves....we don't see further then our noses.... If I am safe, if I can care about myself I do not care. Yet all people cannot care as we can. Many kids does not have parents even to care about them, so many girls does not have anyone to protect them....

Today, there remain more slaves then ever before - en estimated 27 million people. Half of tbose are children.

Human trafficking is one of the largest global organized crimes today, generating 20 billion pounds per year. MORE THEN NIKE, GOOGLE AND STARBUCKS COMBINED.

Why we didn't have such sexual slavery before sexual revolution?????

All it started with our rights to be civilized but look as domorods.... And what we can do now?
Almost nothing....

Really what can we do for 27 million slaves??? We just have to focus to do not became one of them....how? I don't know. God help those victims and God help us, God help everyone

So I hope that you see now even positivity in those girls who wear so just to catch a man even for his money or for himself.... Tbe problem is in those mind who wear like that with no reason, with no goal, just like that, don't knowing where are they going, what is their purpose, why they behave in ways they do. Is that just imitation of TV stars....if only they wear so to be IN then they are already brainwashed by TV and comercials....which are, I believe, in service of the largest global organised crimes today, beside internet....

God help us to find our purposes and keep our brains untouched and our bodies unslaved and our new generations secure, ameen

--- Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:22 am ---

In UAE yes, they wear with purpose.

I am against half naked or almost naked wearings because it caused more problems in the world then just raping of women.
Males stopped to feel attraction by female body, they switched of ti teens, even to kids. They became pedophils.... After so much nudity on TV, internet, after pornos...they don't like females anymore, they started to like kids or even males....

In centuries when they were dreaming about female's body they wrote poems, they dreamd, imagined.... And now??? Can't you see how unsafe world became for new generations???

Can't you see that even if you are walking almost naked no one cares anymore?? It is not interesting except for few who like to change girls whenever they can.

If you feel that everyone want to be with you because you look sexy then ask yourself till when?? I ask myself as well, even I cover I can't be sure till when I can keep male today....

If we just can look more then one decade or two...if we can see impact we make on new generations of children and teens, if we can see far to know what we are causing with our careless behaviours then we would sitt and cry....

But we are not watching so far because we are epicentar of worlds for ourselves....we don't see further then our noses.... If I am safe, if I can care about myself I do not care. Yet all people cannot care as we can. Many kids does not have parents even to care about them, so many girls does not have anyone to protect them....

Today, there remain more slaves then ever before - en estimated 27 million people. Half of tbose are children.

Human trafficking is one of the largest global organized crimes today, generating 20 billion pounds per year. MORE THEN NIKE, GOOGLE AND STARBUCKS COMBINED.

Why we didn't have such sexual slavery before sexual revolution?????

All it started with our rights to be civilized but look as domorods.... And what we can do now?
Almost nothing....

Really what can we do for 27 million slaves??? We just have to focus to do not became one of them....how? I don't know. God help those victims and God help us, God help everyone

So I hope that you see now even positivity in those girls who wear so just to catch a man even for his money or for himself.... Tbe problem is in those mind who wear like that with no reason, with no goal, just like that, don't knowing where are they going, what is their purpose, why they behave in ways they do. Is that just imitation of TV stars....if only they wear so to be IN then they are already brainwashed by TV and comercials....which are, I believe, in service of the largest global organised crimes today, beside internet....

God help us to find our purposes and keep our brains untouched and our bodies unslaved and our new generations secure, ameen
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
Shamoosa , I'm sorry but you are talking utter rubbish! Women wearing skimpy clothes does NOT give men an excuse to rape them, nor does it turn men into peadophiles! These people are mentally sick in the first place. That kind of attitude absolves people from being responsible for their own actions. As far as I'm concerend it's a very VERY dangerous attitude to have.

The human body is NOTHING to be ashamed of, it's the most natural thing in the world. Sure there's a time and a place to show it off and people do need to be respectful in certain environments, but to say showing flesh makes men uncontrollable is beyond ridiculous.

I think you have a very skewed and judgmental view of people.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
Of course no one gives males any excuses but year by year they are wilder, worst, more bruttal, careless, irresponsible .....

Such killing in the world, such human trafficking, selling of human organs, eating fetuses.... Do you think in such world woman should be careless about her mind, body, her fetuses!, her children...or even children of himanity if not her own??

More nudity, more abotuses, more fetus selling, more money making by doctors, more greedy, more organ sellings, which causes more kidnapping, more killing, more trafficking....

--- Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:39 pm ---

Women are main instrument in creating sucessfull criminal and slavery environment. By their own will or by brain-washing socciety.

--- Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:31 pm ---

In my opinion what does woman have with sick people.... Nothing! Yes they are sick...what I am talking about is WHY THERE IS MORE AND MORE SICK PEOPLE by years....

How I see woman as instrument, even that is not her fault what psychotic people do....

When natural beautifull teen became victim of trafficking just because she looks a like some celebrity and with a little make up her kidnappers can earn tons of money selling her to sick people who watched celebrity and are never able to get her....

Or when some child became raped because some sick man watched pornos which some celebrities have make willingly....

And when we females copy celebrities in our lifes and send messages to our brothers, sons, cousines that that is natural, OK...

And when normal guys watch pornos and starts to see also children porns on that dirty sites...do you think they will limit themselves just to adult pornos? Do you really think that only psychopats watch childporn..... There are so manny managers, even corps, even FBI workers captured for that....there are just ordinary guys that you see everyday and don't have idea what are they doing...

Yet see, I don't say it is women's fault all of that...but women have been instumentalised to make that all closer to ordinary people, to make more people sick, to make crminal normal, to make young boys think that is OK to rape if woman is almost naked.... Media makes them think so by making such movies, pornos etc where woman always makes main role...

Don't you as woman think that is not women's business males behaviour? Those males were once boys, kids....where was woman to teach them??? She was busy copying celebrities and her boys were left to be brainwashed by media...boys didn't see anything wrong in media life and behaviour as their mother was the same. So our bodies are natural....nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide and keep only for loved once or for non sick people?

Would you be happy knowing that same rapist is watching your legs, or some pedophil...or it does not matter till he does not bother you?

If woman is epicentar for herself then everything does not matter. But if woman makes humanity, socciety, family her epi center then everything matters.

Yeah we are not responisble for male's behaviours, but we are responsible for our son's behaviours...and yet as I sad every that kiddnapper, killer, rapist, criminal has a mother....

Some does does not have mothers!! Yeah...because their mothers got them as teenagers and left them on the street....maybe....maybe....

As woman I feel responsible...I don't say I feel guilty....just responsible for whatever happend in world....

Maybe that does not have anything with other women.....yeah maybe in me is mistake I should rest and polish my nails....because that is life.... And show my legs to show that I am alive and have free will....yes, yes....I should do it just for me, I should enjoy myself, brain is just for work, and I can leave it in office. Why to bother myself and my kids with anything when we can live free as celebrities live. God bless life....

Ah ummah, ummah.....
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
So women who don't wear "religious" clothing like abayas and hijab or burka, or nun's habits, are all saying to the men in the world that they are se.xually available? Let me tell you straight - A woman is se.xually available when she consents to a partner that she wishes to have s.ex. Simply being female in public, and not wearing religious clothing does not indicate availability and consent for se.x.

Why can't women go to parties or a night club with friends and have a good time socializing and dancing? I completely agree that drinking too much and being alone with a man is a risky situation because the woman becomes vulnerable. It still comes down to the man deciding before he goes out that he's going to have s.ex that night, and picking off his target of a very drunk woman or a woman he purposely got drunk or high from a spiked drink. It isn't right! Men who choose to be predators are the problem.

It is a serious overreaction to require 50% of the population to shroud themselves in cloth, be segregated from men, go out in public with an escort, not be allowed to drive a car etc. just to protect a woman's "honour". Even these highly protected women still experience rape from family members or friends of family, and strangers for those who dared to walk alone without an escort. And do you think these women will report their rapes? What woman would want to, because no man will have her for his wife if his genitals haven't been the first to meet hers. She's worth nothing if she isn't "pure". Women can be punished, killed, jailed, or married off to their violent rapists - which is essentially blaming or punishing them for their own rape.

There isn't much more I can say, except that I hope that some people will reconsider their biases. Do some reading on why men rape and look at the statistics and profiles of rapists and you'll see it isn't just about se.x, it is primarily about dominance, control, violence, and anger towards women and children.
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
Kanelli I agree with you. Clothes is not measure for anything as I said before. Woman can be sexy even when covered...there are always gestures, voice, eyes.....

We should not overdo in anything and we should think globaly, and care about others not only about ourselves.

Agry with you....fanatics among religious people are dangerous same as criminals for woman. If tjey close her, trait her as property and abuse her then there is just another side ofusing woman as an instrument by her own will. If she makes sabur, patience in such situations then she is not better then velebrities who send to boys messages that is ok to be used by males.

Mothers who let their sons lern from abusive fathers behaviour are also bad example.

so females really can do a lot. Just they think is non of their business anything but to be pretty and ruled by males, their woshes, orders etc. If one is naked on TV because males wants so, and other is is tolerating terror as her male pleases so then for me both are sending same message to males.

Balance and middle way, harmony and free will is something we must stand for. Btw I am feminist in my own way. Feminist who love females and thinks that we can change the world if we just became responsible with rights that we have.
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
You have a funny way of expressing that! Many of your views, quite frankly are anti-feminist and put women's rights back by decades!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012
Shamoosa has clearly done no reading on se.x abuse of children and women.

I hope she isn't saying that women are the instrument of moral decay in society!

"...be responsible with the rights we have." So does that mean happily live within the rights the men-folk have given you and don't push for change?
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 17, 2012

Interesting discussion ladies.. :)

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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 18, 2012
What happened to 'live, and let live'?
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 18, 2012
Guys I come from the country where more then 25 000 women were raped in last war JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE MUSLIM NAMES!!!

And you tell me to read about raping.....I know it from life. Males in my country were raping females (girls from 4 to 90) to destroy whole family psychologically, they raped them in front of sons, fathers, husbands, neighbiures....
Woman is used again by Army to kill dignity, to kill pride, to stop natality...those women rarely will marry again and have sex with any male or have a kids etc etc.

So as I said women are used by males willingly or agressively and we have to stop that. We females. We can rule the world just if we stop males to rule us and use us in ways that are against our nature and fitrah.

It is shame that some females call themselves feminists and they don't care about kidnapped girls, about raped women, about tortured females worldwide....

Only when woman think globaly, when put comunity and family as priority, not her own nails, when she stopes blindly to obey males and follow their desires...then we can hope for better world. Without women wars will never stop, without right women criminal will never end, without real women trafficking and kidnapping will never stop....

Yet how to get such women from brain-washed generation of women who are center of Universum for themselves, and if it is good to them then does not matter what is going on around, when they are safe, then does not matter if boy of their first neigbour will fall in trouble, if girl of their friend will start to use drugs....nothing is their concern...they are happy with their bag and shoes brands, they are totaly in fashion world and there is no other world in their brain.

I hope one day someone will make fashion for raped women, fashion for women under war and bombings, fashion for kidnapped girls.... Maybe world will realise that they exist and will fight for THEIR RIGHTS claiming that rifgts exist already for decades or centuries :p
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 18, 2012
Shamoosa wrote:It is shame that some females call themselves feminists and they don't care about kidnapped girls, about raped women, about tortured females worldwide....

Yes they do care. In my opinion, men should be caring a lot more and taking more action about kidnap, rape and torture of females worldwide.

You claim to be a feminist but constantly make negative comments about women, now talking about their selfishness and focus on fashion instead of on other more important concerns. Aren't you the person who just asked about part-time veil wearing, as you want to wear the veil outdoors simply to keep your skin fair?

Shamoosa, would how a woman dresses have an impact on who gets raped during war? Women living in warzones are raped in high numbers for reasons you mentioned, as well the fact that the men know they can get away with it. They can show their violence and hatred of the enemies' females and children. That still doesn't mean that you are familiar with rape stats and data on rapists in non-war settings - as is seen in the comments you have made earlier where you seem to imply that women are the instrument.

Are most of the world's women not the "right women" because some men continue to abuse the more vulnerable portion of the population (women and children)?

I can't help but think this all must be a wind-up.
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 18, 2012
In the contrary guys you should all visit my country... There is still most tolerant nation living..... Bosniaks....

I love females. That does not mean that I will close eyes on our fails.... Why should we put ourselves as priority if there is any woman on the world who should be our feminist priority. For me is nonsense to fight for biger sellery, for longer payyed holidays etc when there are females that are not FREE. Freedom is the bigest right any humanbeing should have....then peace....

Yet when I say this girls come to say we had that rights of freedom centuries ago or decades.... For me does not matter if we had it if there are still modern slaves...does not matter if sexual or physical slaves as workers without sellery or property...

Males do rape even to show to other males their "superiority"... In all ways females are just used as instruments. That is something what can change if just all women want so. Every man has mother or sister or friend or cousine, or aunt or teacher.... If we all care and take a step to change the world.... If we just leave our nails for a while...

Yet boys be sure I love nail of any woman more then you: p if you can't understand me your problem. Love is not blindly stay in one side. Love is constant wishing for prosperity and development of side we stand by.

If you didn't wach movie from my land which is made by Angelina Joly in Abu Dhabi or Dubai's cinemas then you can see it here....IT IS IN ENGLISH and its title means IN THE LAND OF BLOOD AND HONEY http://domacifilmovi.info/videos/u-zeml ... -meda-2011

Believe me you should visit my country....to see the spirit of people who survived and still are tolerant and never wish any bad to anyone. If you don't believe me ask Angelina ha ha ask anyone who knows Bosnia well....
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 19, 2012
I thought it was a wind-up a while ago, hence why I gave up posting. I have no interest in engaging such opinios.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 20, 2012
Shamoosa ,

Excellent Shamoosa! I am beginning to get your drift now! Many thanks.
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 20, 2012
Bla bla bla :mrgreen:

If anyone wants to know I tried veil...it was easier to drive in it then to walk ha ha they asked me in the bank to take it off to see my face and I took it off in front of all people ha ha haaa
I think that is not possible to wear it part time as people are more shoked when you take it off in public.

What you guys think is greater; 1) that someone love you as you are, 2) that someone love ypu as you can be?

Which love is more positive, encouraging, promising.... ;)

And please start to change the world everyone. We can do it. In better and more positive way of course. Stop judging others, you don't know their intentions.
As I said outfit does not make a person....some girl can walk almost naked witj intention to find a husband and have a happy family. Some woman can wear niqab with intention to do mot be remembered with abusing male which she plan to devorce....and yet stupid people will come d force her to take it off...saying that it makes her opressed....but in real that is the only protection she has to keep her hope for better future.
or some can wear it for sun protection and you may think she is terrorist or religious fanatic...

People try to mind your own businesses and stop judging others. Help those who need help. Know that life is not only A or B or C..... There are also ABC... People who are religious liberal and openminded but their character Is conservative and modest...
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 29, 2012
desertdudeshj ,

i agree with you
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Re: What's Up With Some People Aug 31, 2012
I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about, if a woman wants to wear a veil or cover her head it is simply her choice and she should be allowed the freedom of choice.
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