Job Fell Through...

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Job fell through... Aug 19, 2012
So I had been offered a job in a nursery and she had said she would get the contract out to me by the following thursday. As I had no reply by the tuesday I emailed her. She said she was on holidays but would get things to me when she got back to the office and then replied again saying that the position had been filled :( :( she said she would try and see is there anything available whenever she gets back to the office but I dont want to just count on that now.

I am flying to Dubai on the 30th. I am going to go to all the schools and nurseries and apply both online and in person. Do you think I have a good chance of getting a job????

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Re: Job Fell Through... Aug 19, 2012
Sorry to hear that the job fell through :( I hope that you find a new spot quickly.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Job Fell Through... Aug 20, 2012
Plenty of nursery/school positions on this site:

There is a new nursery going up in Abu Dhabi and there are quite a few positions but they want people who are on family or spouse sponsorship. BUT, I would still apply and let them know you are aware of the sponsorship, but submitting your CV in the event they change the policy.

Good luck to you.
Bora Bora
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